4/12/16: Green Bank Telescope begins 10-year search for extraterrestrial intelligence
Since January, scientists taking part in a $100 million, 10-year…
4/6/16: Gravitational wave search provides insights into galaxy evolution and mergers
Given scientists’ current understanding of how often galaxies merge, limits…
4/1/16: He Drew the Sun for 40 Years, but now his Telescope is Dying
Most mornings, Steve Padilla rides in an open-air elevator to…
3/30/16: Earth-space Telescope System Produces Hot Surprise
Astronomers using an orbiting radio telescope in conjunction with four…
3/29/16: Earth-space telescope system produces hot surprise
The astronomers’ achievement produced a pair of scientific surprises that…
04/27/2016: Green Bank Ein Dorf ohne Elektrosmog
Green Bank – A Village without Electric Smog Aired by…