Science Community Webinar

We share news and information about our operations and science in bi-weekly webinars every other Wednesday at 1 pm ET (except where noted).

We link the recordings of past talks below. We provide the talk abstracts and description of the presenters in the description of each recording on Youtube. (To read abstracts, be sure to click “Watch on YouTube” on the modal popup to open the full channel information).

If you would like to listen in live, please use the form at the bottom of this page to subscribe to our Community Update email list. You may unsubscribe at any time.

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Upcoming talks

DateSpeakerAffiliationTalk Title
October 9, 2024Tony Beasley & Jim JacksonNRAO/GBOWhat’s Next for the GBO: Reintegration with the NRAO
October 23, 2024Simon DickerUniversity of PennsylvaniaTBD The Next Mustang Receiver
November 6, 2024Ananthan Karunakaran University of TorontoHI in Optically Detected Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies
November 20, 2024Loren AndersonWest Virginia UniversityThe Galactic Center Lobe as an HII region
December 6, 2024Tom DonlonUniversity of Alabama, HuntsvillePulsars as Accelerometers: Exploring Binary Pulsar Systems and the Milky Way

Past talks

DateSpeakerAffiliationTitleLink to Recording
2024-09-25Alexander McEwenUMBCThe Green Bank 820 MHz Pulsar Survey: Discoveries and Follow-up
2024-09-11David StarkSTSciUsing GBT HI observations to probe the origins of breakBRD galaxies
2024-08-28Trey WengerUniversity of WisconsinCool Diffuse Ionized Gas Revealed by Sensitive Radio Recombination Line Observations
2024-08-14Priyadarshini BangaleUniversity of DelawareA 350 MHz Green Bank Telescope Survey of Unassociated Fermi-LAT Sources
2024-07-31Carmen ChozaSETI InstituteExpanding our Cosmic Reach: New Targets and Enhanced Methods for SETI with Breakthrough Listen on the GBT
2024-07-17Spandan ChouduryKorea Astronomy and Space Science InstituteRevealing infall onto the subsonic filaments of B5 core using NH3 observations
2024-07-03July 4th Holiday
2024-06-19National Holiday
2024-05-29Sanskriti DasKavli Institute, Stanford UniversityA deep search for missing accretion in the circumgalactic medium
2024-05-22Scott RansomNRAOThe milli-second pulsars of the globular cluster Terzan 5
2024-05-08Jack Orlowski-SchererUniversity of PennsylvaniaA Survey of Point Sources in Clusters of Galaxies, and Other Updates from MUSTANG-2
2024-04-24Karen O’NeilGreen Bank ObservatoryA Galaxy Without Stars?
2024-04-10Chi Yan LawChalmers Univ. Tech.Polarized Light from Massive Protoclusters (POLIMAP): Dissecting the role of magnetic fields in the massive infrared dark cloud G28.37+0.07
2024-03-27Patrick TaylorNRAONext Generation Planetary Radar with the Green Bank Telescope
2024-03-13Rachel FriesenUniversity of TorontoDynamics in Star-forming Cores (DiSCo) with Argus on the GBT
2024-02-28Jialu LiUniversity of Maryland, USAArgus/GBT Observations of Molecular Gas in the Inner Regions of IC 342
2024-02-14Paulo FreireMax Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, GermanyNGC 1851E: A millisecond pulsar in a binary system with a compact companion in the mass gap between neutron stars and black holes
2024-01-31Maria DrozdovskayaCenter for Space and Habitability (CSH), Universität Bern)Observing comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) with the GBT and Nançay in pursuit of NH3/H2O
2024-01-17Michael BuschSC San Diego, USADetection of faint normal 18cm OH emission from CO-Faint Dark Molecular Gas in M31
2024-01-03Michael ShullUniv. Colorado & Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USAThe High-Latitude Interstellar Medium: Dust and Gas in the Galactic Halo
2023-12-20Andrew FoxSTScI, USAThe Metallicity of Compact High-Velocity Clouds
2023-12-06Jean-Luc MargotUCLA, USAAre we alone? New estimates on transmitter prevalence from UCLA SETI data
2023-11-08Yuxin LinMax Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics, GermanyPiecing the physical and chemical conditions of early-stage cores: ammonia observations from GBT and VLA
2023-10-25Yuri Y. KovalevMax Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, GermanyRadioAstron and GBT imaging of nearby AGN: exciting results on M87 and 3C84
2023-10-11Mark SneldersASTRON, The NetherlandsMicrosecond duration bursts from FRB 20121102A
2023-09-27Dunc LorimerWest Virginia University, USA
The latest from GREENBURST: a real-time transient detector on the GBT
2023-09-13Larry MorganGBO, USAFilaments All the Way Down: Examining the hierarchical nature of the ISM
2023-08-30Charles RomeroHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USAGBT/MUSTANG-2 achieves a milestone in galaxy cluster studies
2023-08-16T. P. KrichbaumMax Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, GermanyMapping the jet origin of M87
2023-08-02Reshma ThomasWest Virginia University, USAMagnetic field reversal in the turbulent environment around a repeating fast radio burst
2023-07-19Haley ScolatiUniversity of Virginia, USAAstronomical detection of the interstellar anion C10H- towards TMC-1 from the GOTHAM large program on the GBT
2023-07-05Nihan PolVanderbilt University, USANew Results from the NANOGrav Collaboration
2023-06-21Ryan LynchGBO, USAUpdate on GBT Cyclic Spectroscopy Backend
2023-06-07Willem BaanASTRON, The NetherlandsThe VLBI Tale of Two Megamasers
2023-05-24Pedro SalasGBO, USARevisiting the density of the ionized gas in the Galactic plane with the GBT
2023-05-10Tierra CandelariaNew Mexico TechWidespread hot ammonia in the central kiloparsec of the Milky Way
2023-04-26Stefano AndreonINAF-OA Brera, Milan, ItalyFirst massive galaxy clusters emerging from the web at the cosmic noon
2023-04-12Dan StinebringOberlin College, USAHow Porous is the Ionized Interstellar Medium? Results from a Scintillation Arc Survey
2023-03-29Shantanu NaiduJPL, USADimorphos orbit change due to the DART impact
2023-03-15Gaspar GalazPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, ChileThe molecular gas content of the giant low surface brightness galaxy Malin 1 from GBT/ARGUS observations
2023-03-01Ingrid StairsUniversity of British Columbia, CanadaTests of Strong-Field Gravity with the Double Pulsar
2023-02-15Antoine MarchalAustralian National University, AustraliaMapping the thermal condensation of diffuse H I in the North Celestial Pole Loop with the GBT
2023-02-01Michael A. GarrettJodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, UKSETI: Near & Far with Breakthrough Listen and the GBT
2023-01-18Emilie ParentInstitute of Space Sciences (ICE – CSIC), BarcelonaSearching for pulsars and fast transients with GBT: Status of the GBNCC survey and future prospects
2023-01-04Ross JenningsWest Virginia UniversityAn unusual pulse shape change in the millisecond pulsar J1713+0747 observed with the GBT and CHIME
2022-12-07Jane GreavesCardiff University, UKGBT Photometry Seeking Pebbles in Protoplanetary Discs
2022-11-16Green Bank Observatory Town Hall – Hear what’s new, and what’s to come at the Green Bank Observatory
2022-11-09Helen KirkHerzberg Research Center, VictoriaEarly Results from the KEYSTONE Survey of molecular clouds
2022-10-26Aya KellerUniversity of California, Berkeley, USAA Model-Independent Dark Matter Search Using GBT Data
2022-10-12Tony RemijanNRAO, USAPRIMOS: The Prebiotic Interstellar Molecular Survey
2022-09-28Felix J. LockmanGBO, USAA “Leading Arm” of the Smith High Velocity Cloud Stream
2022-09-14Lance BennerNASA — JPL, USAThe Apophis Planetary Defense Campaign
2022-08-31Jack Orlowski-SchererMcGill UniversityConstraints on the Thermodynamic State of X-Ray Bubbles in MS0735 with MUSTANG-2
2022-08-17Akshay SureshCornell University, USAA Galactic Center Search for Fast Transients at 4–8 GHz
2022-08-03Ananthan KarunakaranInstituto de Astrofísica de AndalucíaHI Properties of Satellite Galaxies Around Local Volume Hosts
2022-07-06Scott RansomNRAO, USANANOGrav and the Road to nanoHertz Gravitational Wave Detection
2022-06-22Dongzi LiCaltech, USAThe magneto-active environment near FRBs and pulsars
2022-06-08Adam HincksUniversity of Toronto, CanadaMapping the Gas in Intercluster Filaments with the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect
2022-05-25Kim EmigNRAO, USARevealing the Diffuse ISM in Cygnus X using Low-frequency Radio Recombination Lines
2022-05-11Di LiNational Astronomical Observatory of China, ChinaA Unified Description of FRB polarization based on FAST and GBT joint observations
2022-04-27Jeffrey HazbounUniversity of Washington, USAMonitoring the Solar Wind with Pulsar Timing Arrays observations
2022-04-13Karen PerezColumbia University, USAOn the Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life Near the Galactic Center
2022-03-30Al MarscherBoston University, USAPeering Deep into Blazar Jets with VLBI Including the GBT
2022-03-16Patrick TaylorAUI, USAPlanetary Radar with the Green Bank Telescope
2022-03-02Jim JacksonGBO, USARAMPS: The Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane Survey
2022-02-16Maria CharisiCaltech, USANANOGrav limits on supermassive black hole binaries in massive galaxies
2022-02-02Eric KochCfA, USADetailed atomic ISM kinematics across the Local Group with the GBT and VLA
2022-01-19Emily MoravecGBO, USAExploring Merging Galaxy Clusters and Radio Galaxies at z~1
2022-01-05Jorge PinedaJPL, USACharacterizing the ionized and neutral phases of the ISM with far-infrared fine-structure and radio recombination lines
2021-12-22Haley WahlWest Virginia UniversityThe NANOGrav 12.5-Year Data Set: Polarimetry and Faraday Rotation Measures from Observations of Millisecond Pulsars with the Green Bank Telescope
2021-12-08Eleonora BianchiUniversity of GrenobleThe early stages of Solar-type protostars: the missing evidence of large carbon chains
2021-11-17Jim JacksonGBOGBO’s Response to the Recent Decadal Survey
2021-11-10D. J. PisanoWest Virginia UniversityTowards an understanding of the Circumgalactic Medium of Andromeda
2021-10-27Amanda KepleyNRAOObserving the Dense Molecular Gas Fueling Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies
2021-10-13David FrayerGBOGBT Observations of Gas in Luminous Infrared Galaxies
2021-09-29Steve CroftUC BerkeleyBreakthrough Listen on GBT: How the World’s Biggest Steerable Dish is Engaging in the World’s Biggest SETI Program
2021-09-15Emmanuel FonsecaWest Virginia UniversityMeasuring the Radius of a High-Mass Neutron Star with Radio and X-ray Observations
2021-09-01Charles RomeroGBOInsights into Thermodynamic Evolution of Galaxy Clusters
2021-08-18Michael BuschJohns Hopkins UniversityRevealing the Galactic Distribution of Dark H2 with GBT Observations of Faint OH Emission
2021-08-04Nissim KanekarTata Institute of Fundamental ResearchFuelling Starbursts: HI in Green Pea galaxies
2021-07-21Jaime PinedaMax-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische PhysikThe ion-neutral connection in Dense Cores
2021-07-07Marina BrozovicJPLBistatic radar observations of NEOs with Goldstone and the GBT
2021-06-23Trey WengerDRAOGalactic HII Regions and Structure in the Milky Way
2021-06-09Sara IssaounRadboud UniversityThe Size, Shape, and Scattering of Sagittarius A*
2021-05-26Natalie ButterfieldGBODense Molecular Gas in the Galactic Bar
2021-05-12Helene CourtoisUniversity of LyonCosmic-Flows in Green Bank : Discovery of Laniakea and Beyond
2021-04-28Laura WolzManchester UniversityHI constraints from the cross-correlation of eBOSS galaxies and Green Bank Telescope intensity maps
2021-04-14Amy SardoneOhio State UniversityQuantifying the diffuse HI around 18 MHONGOOSE galaxies
2021-03-31Jean-Luc MargotUCLASpin state and moment of inertia of Venus
2021-03-17Brett McGuireMITAn update from the GOTHAM Large Project: New molecules and new chemistry at the earliest stages of star-formation
2021-03-03Charles RomeroGBOInsights into Intracluster Medium Physics from MUSTANG-2
2021-02-17Kristine SpekkensRoyal Military College of Canada; Queen’s UniversityHI in Ultra Diffuse Galaxies to Probe their Origins
2021-02-03Tom BaniaBoston UniversityGBT Observations of 3He+: Planetary Nebulae
2021-01-20Kar BargerTexas Christian UniversityHydrodynamic Instabilities along the Infalling High-velocity Cloud Complex A
2021-01-06Jesse Bublitz, Will Armentrout, Pedro Salas, Ryan LynchGBOGBO Staff Presentations at the AAS meeting
2020-12-16Megan DeCesarGeorge Mason Univ; US Naval Research Lab.Using the GBT for Gravitational Wave Searches with Pulsar Timing Arrays
2020-12-02Dom PesceHarvard-Smithsonian Cntr. for AstrophysicsA geometric measurement of H0 by the Megamaser Cosmology Project
2020-11-18Joseph SimonUniversity of Colorado, BoulderThe search for a stochastic gravitational wave background in NANOGrav’s pulsar timing data
2020-11-04Adam GinsburgUniversity of FloridaA GBT MUSTANG-2 Survey of the Galactic Plane: HII regions and dust
2020-10-21Rachel FriesenUniversity of TorontoUnderstanding the evolution of star-forming cores and filaments with GAS
2020-10-07Enrico Di TeodoroJohns Hopkins UniversityGBT Science: Gas Clouds Entrained in the Milky Way’s Nuclear Wind
2020-09-23Ryan LynchGBORecent Results from the NANOGrav Pulsar Timing Array
2020-09-09Brian MasonNRAOLong Wavelength measurements of Interstellar Dust in Orion
2020-08-26Loren AndersonWest Virginia UniversityIonized Gas in the Galactic Midplane
2020-08-12Karen MastersHaverford CollegeHI-MaNGA: HI Followup for the MaNGA Galaxy Survey with GBT
2020-07-29H. Thankful CromartieUniversity of VirginiaRecent Relativistic Shapiro Delay Observations with the GBT
2020-07-15Brian SvobdaNRAOTowards a multi-scale view of dense gas in the Milky Way
2020-06-24Toney Minter, David Frayer, Will ArmentroutGBOSoftware Support Projects
2020-06-11Jill Malusky, Sue Ann Heatherly, Amanda White, Ryan LynchGBOPublic Outreach and Educational Programs
2020-05-20Brian Mason, Charles RomeroNRAO, GBOMUSTANG-2 Current & Future Science
2020-05-06David Frayer, Pedro SalasGBO3mm Spectroscopy
2020-03-21Ryan LynchGBOPulsar Science

Upcoming Science Community Webinars

March 13 – Rachel Friesen (University of Toronto) Dynamics in Star-forming Cores (DiSCo) with Argus on the GBT

March 27 – TBD

April 10 – Chi Yan Law (Chalmers Univ. Tech.) Polarized Light from Massive Protoclusters (POLIMAP):  Dissecting the role of magnetic fields in the massive infrared dark cloud G28.37+0.07

April 14 – TBD

Recordings – please note, most recent webinars appear first:

February 28 – Jialu Li (University of Maryland) Argus/GBT Observations of Molecular Gas in the Inner Regions of IC 342

February 14 – Paulo Freire (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy) NGC 1851E: A millisecond pulsar in a binary system with a compact companion in the mass gap between neutron stars and black holes

January 31 – Maria Drozdovskaya (Center for Space and Habitability (CSH), Universität Bern) Observing comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) with the GBT and Nançay in pursuit of NH3/H2O

January 17 – Michael Busch (SC San Diego) Detection of faint normal 18cm OH emission from CO-Faint Dark Molecular Gas in M31

January 3 – Michael Shull (Univ. Colorado & Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill) The High-Latitude Interstellar Medium: Dust and Gas in the Galactic Halo

Recordings – please note, most recent webinars appear first:

December 20 – Andrew Fox (STScI) The Metallicity of Compact High-Velocity Clouds

December 6 – Jean-Luc Margot (UCLA) Are we alone? New estimates on transmitter prevalence from UCLA SETI data

November 22 – Thanksgiving Break (no webinar)

November 8 – Yuxin Lin (Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics) Piecing the physical and chemical conditions of early-stage cores: ammonia observations from GBT and VLA

October 25 – Yuri Y. Kovalev (Max Planck Inst. For Radioastronomy, Bonn) RadioAstron and GBT imaging of nearby AGN: exciting results on M87 and 3C84

October 11 – Mark Snelders (ASTRON, The Netherlands) Microsecond duration bursts from FRB 20121102A

September 27 – Dunc Lorimer (West Virginia University) The latest from GREENBURST: a real-time transient detector on the GBT

September 13 – Larry Morgan (Green Bank Observatory) Filaments All the Way Down: Examining the hierarchical nature of the ISM

August 30 – Charles Romero (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) GBT/MUSTANG-2 achieves a milestone in galaxy cluster studies

August 16 – T.P. Krichbaum (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn) Mapping the jet origin of M87

August 2 – Reshma Thomas (West Virginia University) Magnetic field reversal in the turbulent environment around a repeating fast radio burst

July 19 – Haley Scolati (University of Virginia) Astronomical detection of the interstellar anion C10H- towards TMC-1 from the GOTHAM large program on the GBT

July 5 – Nihan Pol (Vanderbilt University) New Results from the NANOGrav Collaboration

June 21 – Ryan Lynch (Green Bank Observatory) Update on GBT Cyclic Spectroscopy Backend

June 7 – Willem Baan (ASTRON) The VLBI Tale of Two Megamasers

May 24 – Pedro Salas (Green Bank Observatory) Revisiting the density of the ionized gas in the Galactic plane with the GBT

May 10 – Tierra Candelaria (New Mexico Tech) Widespread hot ammonia in the central kiloparsec of the Milky Way

April 26 – Stefano Andreon (INAF-OA Brera, Milan, Italy) First massive galaxy clusters emerging from the web at the cosmic noon (this session was not recorded at the request of the presenter – link to presentation)

April 12 – Dan Stinebring (Oberlin College) How Porous is the Ionized Interstellar Medium? Results from a Scintillation Arc Survey

March 29 – Shantanu Naidu (JPL) Dimorphos orbit change due to the DART impact

March 15 – Gaspar Galaz (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) The molecular gas content of the giant low surface brightness galaxy Malin 1 from GBT/ARGUS observations

March 1 – Ingrid Stairs (University of British Columbia) Tests of Strong-Field Gravity with the Double Pulsar

February 15 – Antoine Marchal (Australian National University) Mapping the thermal condensation of diffuse H I in the North Celestial Pole Loop with the GBT

February 1 – Michael A. Garrett (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics) SETI: Near & Far with Breakthrough Listen and the GBT

January 18 – Emilie Parent (Institute of Space Sciences (ICE – CSIC), Barcelona) Searching for pulsars and fast transients with GBT: Status of the GBNCC survey and future prospects

January 4 – Ross Jennings (West Virginia University) An unusual pulse shape change in the millisecond pulsar J1713+0747 observed with the GBT and CHIME

Recordings – please note, most recent webinars appear first:

December 7 – Jane Greaves (Cardiff University) GBT Photometry Seeking Pebbles in Protoplanetary Discs

November 23 – Thanksgiving Break (no webinar)

November 16Green Bank Observatory Town Hall — Hear what’s new, and what’s to come, at the Green Bank Observatory. Registration is required.

November 9 – Helen Kirk (Herzberg Research Center, Victoria) Early Results from the KEYSTONE Survey of molecular clouds

October 26 – Aya Keller (University of California, Berkeley) A Model-Independent Dark Matter Search Using GBT Data

October 12 – Tony Remijan (NRAO) PRIMOS: The Prebiotic Interstellar Molecular Survey

September 28 – Felix J. Lockman (Green Bank Observatory) A “Leading Arm” of the Smith High Velocity Cloud Stream

August 14 – Lance Benner (NASA – JPL) The Apophis Planetary Defense Campaign

August 31 – Jack Orlowski-Scherer (McGill University) Constraints on the Thermodynamic State of X-Ray Bubbles in MS0735 with MUSTANG-2

August 17 – Akshay Suresh (Cornell University) A Galactic Center Search for Fast Transients at 4–8 GHz

August 3 – Ananthan Karunakaran (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía) HI Properties of Satellite Galaxies Around Local Volume Hosts

July 6 – Scott Ransom (NRAO) NANOGrav and the Road to nanoHertz Gravitational Wave Detection

June 22 – Dongzi Li (CalTech) The magneto-active environment near FRBs and pulsars

June 8 – Adam Hincks (University of Toronto) Mapping the Gas in Intercluster Filaments with the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect

May 25 – Kim Emig (NRAO) Revealing the Diffuse ISM in Cygnus X using Low-frequency Radio Recombination Lines

May 11 – Di Li (National Astronomical Observatory of China) A Unified Description of FRB polarization based on FAST and GBT joint observations

April 27 – Jeffrey Hazboun (University of Washington) Monitoring the Solar Wind with Pulsar Timing Arrays observations

April 13 – Karen Perez (Columbia University) On the Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life Near the Galactic Center

March 30 – Al Marscher (Boston University) Peering Deep into Blazar Jets with VLBI Including the GBT

March 16 – Patrick Taylor (AUI) Planetary Radar with the Green Bank Telescope

March 2 – Jim Jackson (Green Bank Observatory) RAMPS: The Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane Survey

February 16 – Maria Charisi (Caltech) NANOGrav limits on supermassive black hole binaries in massive galaxies

February 2 – Eric Koch (CfA) Detailed atomic ISM kinematics across the Local Group with the GBT and VLA (Abstract in video description)

January 19 – Emily Moravec (Green Bank Observatory) Exploring Merging Galaxy Clusters and Radio Galaxies at z~1

January 5 – Jorge Pineda (JPL) Characterizing the ionized and neutral phases of the ISM with far-infrared fine-structure and radio recombination lines

Recordings – Please note, most recent webinars appear first:

December 22 – Haley Wahl (West Virginia University) The NANOGrav 12.5-Year Data Set: Polarimetry and Faraday Rotation Measures from Observations of Millisecond Pulsars with the Green Bank Telescope

December 8 – Eleonora Bianchi (University of Grenoble) The early stages of Solar-type protostars: the missing evidence of large carbon chains

November 24 – Thanksgiving Break

November 17 (Special Edition) – Jim Jackson (Green Bank Observatory) GBO’s Response to the Recent Decadal Survey

November 10 – D. J. Pisano (West Virginia University) Towards an understanding of the Circumgalactic Medium of Andromeda

October 27 – Amanda Kepley (NRAO) Observing the Dense Molecular Gas Fueling Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies (abstract in video description)

October 13 – Dave Frayer (Green Bank Observatory) GBT Observations of Gas in Luminous Infrared Galaxies (abstract in video description)

September 29 – Steve Croft (UC Berkeley) Breakthrough Listen on GBT: How the World’s Biggest Steerable Dish is Engaging in the World’s Biggest SETI Program

September 15 – Emmanuel Fonseca (West Virginia University) Measuring the Radius of a High-Mass Neutron Star with Radio and X-ray Observations

September 1 – Charles Romero (Green Bank Observatory) Insights into Thermodynamic Evolution of Galaxy Clusters

August 18 – Michael Busch (Johns Hopkins University) Revealing the Galactic Distribution of Dark H2 with GBT Observations of Faint OH Emission

August 4 – Nissim Kanekar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Fuelling Starbursts: HI in Green Pea galaxies

July 21 – Jaime E. Pineda (Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik) The ion-neutral connection in Dense Cores

July 7 – Marina Brozovic, (JPL) Bistatic radar observations of NEOs with Goldstone and the GBT

Jun 23 – Trey Wenger (DRAO) Galactic HII Regions and Structure in the Milky Way

Jun 9 – Sara Issaoun (Radboud University) The Size, Shape, and Scattering of Sagittarius A*

May 26 – Natalie Butterfield (Green Bank Observatory) Dense Molecular Gas in the Galactic Bar

May 12 – Helene Courtois (University of Lyon) Cosmic-Flows in Green Bank : Discovery of Laniakea and Beyond

April 28 – Laura Wolz (Manchester University) – HI constraints from the cross-correlation of eBOSS galaxies and Green Bank Telescope intensity maps

April 14 – Amy Sardone (Ohio State University) Quantifying the diffuse HI around 18 MHONGOOSE galaxies

March 31 – Jean-Luc Margot (UCLA) Spin state and moment of inertia of Venus

March 17 – Brett McGuire (MIT) An update from the GOTHAM Large Project: New molecules and new chemistry at the earliest stages of star-formation

March 3 (PDF presentation) – Charles Romero (Green Bank Observatory) Insights into Intracluster Medium Physics from MUSTANG-2

February, 17 – Kristine Spekkens (Royal Military College of Canada; Queen’s University) HI in Ultra Diffuse Galaxies to Probe their Origins

February 3 – Tom Bania (Boston University) GBT Observations of 3He+: Planetary Nebulae

January 20 – Kat Barger (Texas Christian University) Hydrodynamic Instabilities along the Infalling High-velocity Cloud Complex A

January 6 – Jesse Bublitz, Will Armentrout, Pedro Salas, Ryan Lynch; GBO Staff Presentations at the AAS meeting

Please note, most recent recordings appear first:

December 16 – Megan DeCesar (George Mason Univ; US Naval Research Lab.); Using the GBT for Gravitational Wave Searches with Pulsar Timing Arrays

December 2 – Dom Pesce (Harvard-Smithsonian Cntr. for Astrophysics); A geometric measurement of H0 by the Megamaser Cosmology Project

November 18 – Joseph Simon (University of Colorado, Boulder); The search for a stochastic gravitational wave background in NANOGrav?s pulsar timing data

November 4 – Adam Ginsburg (University of Florida); A GBT MUSTANG-2 Survey of the Galactic Plane: HII regions and dust

October 21 – Rachel Friesen (University of Toronto); Understanding the evolution of star-forming cores and filaments with GAS

October 7 – Enrico Di Teodoro (Johns Hopkins University); GBT Science: Gas Clouds Entrained in the Milky Way’s Nuclear Wind

September 23 – Ryan Lynch (Green Bank Observatory); Recent Results from the NANOGrav Pulsar Timing Array

September 9 – Brian Mason (NRAO); Long Wavelength measurements of Interstellar Dust in Orion

August 26 – Loren Anderson (West Virginia University); Ionized Gas in the Galactic Midplane

August 12 – Karen Masters (Haverford College); HI-MaNGA: HI Followup for the MaNGA Galaxy Survey with GBT

July 29 – H. Thankful Cromartie (University of Virginia); Recent Relativistic Shapiro Delay Observations with the GBT

July 15 – Brian Svobda (NRAO); Towards a multi-scale view of dense gas in the Milky Way

June 24

June 11

May 20

May 6

March 21

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