Safety is our top priority, Quiet Zone Officials Come Together to Find Solutions
U.S. National Science Foundation, science and federal agencies are working on new solutions for communications in the National Radio Quiet Zone “Safety of our local community is our top priority,” shares Jim Jackson, Director of the U.S. National Science Foundation Green Bank Observatory (NSF GBO) in Pocahontas County, West Virginia. Recently, officials from the neighboring…
Children of GBO Staff Among Recipients of 2023 AUI Scholarship
West Virginia Students Use One of World’s Largest Telescopes
Governor’s STEM Institute brings nearly sixty rising 9th graders to Green Bank Observatory This July 2022, nearly 60 students gathered in Green Bank, West Virginia, for the Governor’s STEM Institute (GSI.) These rising 9th graders competitively applied for this opportunity to experience science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through exciting hands-on experiences.
Green Bank Student Scientists Launch Massive Balloon for Airborne Experiments
Budding scientists in Green Bank, West Virginia will embark on a new mission next week. Students in Ms. Brown’s 7th grade class have planned extensively to launch a 12-foot diameter, high altitude helium balloon to conduct several scientific experiments.
Orion rising over GBT (taken by WV photographer) is NASA’s Astronomy Photo of the Day
West Virginia photographer Dave Green created the amazing astrophotography image seen above, which shows the constellations of Barnard’s Loop, the Horsehead, Lambda Orionis, and more above the GBT.