Green Bank Telescope Art Contest
2020 is the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the Green Bank Telescope! The telescope was dedicated August 25th, 2000. We are celebrating with an art contest, vote for the winning art now!
Student Scientist Wins National Scholarship
Longtime Observatory advocate Ellie White has won a prestigious scholarship to support her education at Marshall University. A physics major, she plans to earn her Ph.D. in astrophysics studying astrobiology, radio astronomy instrumentation, and SETI.
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Swarm of Hydrogen Clouds Flying Away from Center of our Galaxy
A team of astronomers has discovered what appears to be a grand exodus of more than 100 hydrogen clouds streaming away from the center of the Milky Way and heading into intergalactic space.
Green Bank Observatory Chosen for National Leap Into Science Project
A diverse group of educators from the Green Bank Observatory, West Virginia University Extension Service, Pocahontas County Libraries and the Morgantown Public Library System have teamed up to become The West Virginia Leap into Science State Leadership Team. Out of more than 20 applications from around the nation, West Virginia was one of four state…
2019 PING Applications are now live
If you are an 8th grader who is interested in science, math and/or engineering, we invite you to apply to come to PING Camp, this summer at the Green Bank Observatory. A challenging, fun week awaits you as you learn how to use radio telescopes to investigate the Universe! More information about the program can…
Now taking applications for the Research Experience for Teachers Program
What are you doing over the summer break? Would you like to learn more about cutting edge engineering applications and bring back a hands-on engineering project for your students to experiment with? West Virginia University leads a collaboration with the Observatory to offer a six-week summer research program to 10 high school teachers each summer,…
06/29/2016: Seeking Radio Silence in West Virginia’s Quiet Zone
The town of Green Bank, West Virginia, is a sleepy Appalachian town, the kind one might move to in order to escape the grind of urban centers and bustling suburbs. But its 143 residents didn’t exactly move there for literal quiet. Green Bank is located in eastern West Virginia, in what’s known as the National Radio Quiet Zone,…