Astrobiology Teachers Workshop

Join us for a 5-day Astrobiology Workshop geared towards Middle and High School Science Teachers, to be held at the U.S. National Science Foundation Green Bank Observatory!

June 29 – July 4, 2025

During this conference, teachers will:

  • Understand the foundations of Astrobiology
  • Learn about careers and current research in Astrobiology
  • Be able to implement new activities, designed to meet NGSS standards, with their students or clubs
  • Collaborate with other educators to develop lesson plans for their classes
  • Attend two scientific lectures daily, led by Dr. Jay Lockman, world-renowned Astronomer and Scientist Emeritus at NSF GBO
  • Become confident in teaching their students about the intersections of Biology and Astronomy
  • Collect their own radio data to go home with, and
  • Enjoy the beauty of the Allegheny Mountains in Green Bank, WV

Every day, you will collaborate with other teachers, engage in scientific lectures, participate in fun hands-on activities, build curriculum content, and enjoy the setting of the NSF Green Bank Observatory. 

All Teachers will receive:

  • Travel support up to $400.00 per person.
  • Room & Board starting at 5 PM on the 29th and ending after breakfast on the 4th.
  • A $400.00 stipend for attending the full program.

Registration is free and will be accepted on a first come, first-served basis! There are only 20 spots available and priority will be given to middle and high school teachers.

NSF Green Bank Observatory is excited to host this workshop for Science teachers, thanks to the generous support provided to the observatory and the American Philosophical Society by the Chair and CEO of United Therapeutics, Inc., Dr. Martine Rothblatt.

The Bloomberg funds are named in honor of Dr. Baruch Blumberg, Nobel Laureate, first Director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, and President of the American Philosophical Society from 2005 until 2011. Dr. Blumberg was also Chair of United Therapeutics’s (Unither’s) corporate parent’s Scientific Advisory Board.


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