21B Semester
21B Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2021B Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2021B proposals is Monday, 1 February 2021, at 17:00 EDT (22:00 UTC). The entire proposal call can be found on this page. All proposals should…
21A Semester
21A Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2021A Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2021A proposals is Monday, 3 August 2020, at 17:00 EDT (21:00 UTC). The entire proposal call can be found on this page. The GBT is…
20B Semester
20B Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2020B Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2020B proposals is Monday, 3 February 2020, at 17:00 EDT (22:00 UTC). The entire proposal call can be found on this page. Receiver availability for…
20A Semester
20A Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2020A Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2020A proposals is Thursday, 1 August 2019, at 17:00 EDT (21:00 UTC). The entire proposal call can be found on this page. We have noticed…
20A Extra-Large Proposal Call
Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites submissions of Extra-Large observing proposals (X-proposals for short)for the August 1, 2019 proposal submission deadline. This opportunity is open for observers seeking to use the GBT, VLA and/or VLBA. Extra-Large proposals are defined as those requesting a total of more than 1000 hours of telescope time and/or…
19B Semester
19B Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2019B Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2019B proposals is Friday, 1 February 2019, at 17:00 EST (22:00 UTC). The entire proposal call can be found on this page. Shutdown update: NSF has…
19A Semester
19A Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2019A Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2019A proposals is Wednesday, 1 August 2018, at 17:00 EDT (21:00 UTC). The entire proposal call can be found on this page. The Green Bank…
18B Semester
18B Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2018B Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2018B proposals is Thursday, 1 February 2018, at 17:00 EST (22:00 UTC). The entire proposal call can be found on this page. The Green Bank…