Wild, Wonderful, and Radio Quiet
“Tucked away amidst the rolling Allegheny Mountains, Green Bank is home to one of the world’s premier astronomical observatories. There, radio telescopes tune in to the whispers of the universe, night and day. It’s a place unlike any other on Earth.” Highland Outdoors magazine shared a fantastic article about the Observatory. Read it here!
Moon’s Tycho Crater Revealed in Intricate Detail
The National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Observatory and National Radio Astronomy Observatory, and Raytheon Intelligence & Space have released new high-resolution images of the Moon, the highest-ever taken from the ground, using new radar technology on the Green Bank Telescope (GBT).
NANOGrav & Green Bank Telescope Poised to Make Groundbreaking Discoveries of Gravitational Wave Universe
Moore Foundation supports development of new Ultra Wideband technologies & increases observation time
Spring & Summer Outdoor Programs are Now Open
Student Summer Research Programs at GBO & NRAO Get a Boost from Going Remote
Summer programs welcome highest-ever number of incoming students and mentors The summer research programs at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) kicked off in May 2021 with a significant increase in participation. This year’s program welcomed 65 students across all partner locations, a nearly 67-percent increase over the prior year. NRAO and the Green Bank…