Can Astronomers Use Radar to Spot a Cataclysmic Asteroid?
Scientists share their latest findings and the future of radar in planetary science and defense
Mystery of Star Formation Revealed by Hearts of Molecular Clouds
Data from the World’s Largest Radio Telescopes Holds Clues
Science Newsletter #AAS243 Special Edition
GBT on cover of Nature Astronomy
Applications now being accepted for 2024 Governor’s Schools
The application period for the 2024 Governor’s Schools is now open. West Virginia Governor’s Schools offer in-depth and engaging summer learning opportunities in residential environments.
Green Bank, WV location of some of the most fundamental discoveries in astrophysics and astronomy
American Physical Society Recognizes GBO as Historic Site The American Physical Society has designated the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Observatory (GBO) as a Historic Site, recognizing it as the location of some of the most fundamental discoveries in astrophysics and astronomy.
WVU Astrophysicist, Dr. Maura Mclaughlin, presents on behalf of NANOGrav at National Science Foundation (NSF) Meeting
Story by Elizabeth Rhodes
Cosmic Collision: Space Nessie Spawns Newborn Star
Deep in the depths of our galactic ocean, astronomers have observed triggered star formation in the Nessie Nebula.