Radio Observatories Closing in New Mexico, West Virginia
In response to the governors of New Mexico, Virginia, and West Virginia closing the schools in those states, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and the Green Bank Observatory (GBO) are closing their facilities in all three states. The closures affect the staffs and the visitor centers at the National Science Foundation’s Karl G. Jansky…
Looping Radio Signal Baffles Astronomers
Scientists have detected the first reliable radio signal pattern in space … The transmission broadcasts from a galaxy half a billion light years away. Can radio astronomy catch up and solve the mystery? Read the full story on the Great Courses
Dr. Brett McGuire: 1 of the Top 10 Scientists, According to Science News
Science News has added Dr. Brett McGuire to their list of 10 early- and mid-career “Scientists to Watch”. Using the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, Dr. McGuire confirmed the presence of benzonitrile in a dark cloud of the Milky Way. Read more on the Science News web site.
NO SIGNAL: Growing Up in Green Bank, West Virginia
I tend to speak about my origins as if I was from a foreign country, and not from rural West Virginia.
Fairmont State University composer explores sounds of Green Bank
WiFi Is Illegal in This American Town. (And Yes, People Actually Live There.)
It’s the first of October and Route 92 into town is lined with trees dressed with greens, oranges, and yellows. Autumn is refreshingly crisp and colorful here in Green Bank, West Virginia. The road winds and curves past a convenience store, a school, a library, and a post office. There are no shopping plazas, fast…