New Tech, Bright Future, for the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Observatory
The Green Bank Telescope Snaps New Hot Photos of the Moon
This unusual view of the Moon, made with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), shows the glow from the Moon’s heat revealing features undetectable to an ordinary telescope that sees only reflected light.
NSF Record of Decision on Green Bank Observatory – Continued Operations for Science and Education
Green Bank Observatory Director Karen O’Neil announced today that the Observatory will continue to operate as one of the premiere radio telescope observatories in the world under the most recent National Science Foundation (NSF) Record of Decision (ROD).
NSF Awards Grant to Create New Technology for Radio Astronomy While Training First-Generation College Students
Visit Us This Summer
The Green Bank Observatory is open for summer with expanded hours for the Science Center, Starlight Cafe, Tours, and Gift Shop!
Largest Data Set in the History of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Released to The Public
Joint NRAO and GBO Statement
AI Uncovers 72 New FRBs in GBT’s Breakthrough Listen Data