Author: Green Bank Observatory

  • Free Digital Swag

    Want to spice up your Zoom background, desktop, or smartphone? Download one of our Green Bank Telescope (GBT) backgrounds today! Right click or hover/hold to save image file, depending on the specifications of your device.

  • 2022 Publications

    Author. Title. Reference Link (if available) Abbate, F. et al. Four pulsar discoveries in NGC 6624 by TRAPUM using MeerKAT. 2022 MNRAS 513, 2292 2022MNRAS.513.2292A Akiyama, K. et al.. First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. II. EHT and Multiwavelength Observations, Data Processing, and Calibration. 2022 ApJ, 930, 13 2022ApJ…930L..13E Alexander, K. et al. .…

  • Green Bank Observatory at #AAS241

    SPECIAL SESSION New Windows onto the Universe with the GBT: Asteroids, Exotic Stars, Gaseous Filaments and More Monday, January 9th at 9-10AM PT for iPosters session and 2-3:30PM for panel presentation in room 605/610 PRESS CONFERENCE The Next Generation Planetary Radar System on the Green Bank Telescope Tuesday, January 10th at 10:15AM PT in room…

  • Love at First Light

    In 1997, I was finishing high school and dating a young lady that was doing an astronomy project using the 40-Foot telescope. She told me one day that she was doing an all-night observation of some source, changing something in the observation every 5-10 minutes — I can’t recall if it was switching polarization, or…

  • My Times with the 40 Foot

    My times with the 40-foot are selfish ones. I’ve been in the bunker hundreds of times, often with teacher groups and student groups, but also many times alone. Those are some of my most cherished 40-Foot memories. Walking through snow from the dorm to the bunker in the early morning hours, sometimes lit by a…

  • 2021 Publications

    Author. (Date). Title. Publication Link Agar, C.H. et al. (2021). A broadband radio study of PSR J0250+5854: the slowest-spinning radio pulsar known. MNRAS, 508, 1102 2021MNRAS.508.1102A  Agazie, G. et al. (2021). The Green Bank Northern Celestial Cap Pulsar Survey. VI. Timing and Discovery of PSR J1759+5036: A Double Neutron Star Binary Pulsar. ApJ, 922, 35…

  • Earth Is Safe From Asteroid Apophis for 100-Plus Years

    Green Bank Telescope Teams Up With NASA’s JPL Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex to Track Asteroid The near-Earth object was thought to pose a slight risk of impacting Earth in 2068, but now radar observations have ruled that out.

  • Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation & Discovery

    As part of our celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT), the Green Bank Observatory (GBO) is conducting an image contest with cash prizes. Eligible entries include radio images, multiwavelength composite images, animations, data visualizations, 3-D models, and others. All entries must include radio data obtained with the GBT.