2023 Publications

Author. Title. ReferenceAbstract/Article Link (if available)
Agazie, G. et al. The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Observations and Timing of 68 Millisecond Pulsars. 2023 ApJ, 951, 92023ApJ…951L…9A
Andreon, s. et al. Witnessing the intracluster medium assembly at the cosmic noon in JKCS 041. 2023 MNRAS, 522, 43012023MNRAS.522.4301A
Anna-Thomas, R. et al Magnetic field reversal in the turbulent environment around a repeating fast radio burst. 2023 Science, 380, 5992023Sci…380..599A
Bianchi, E. et al.  Cyanopolyyne chemistry in the L1544 prestellar core: new insights from GBT Observations. 2023 ApJ, 944, 2082023ApJ…944..208B
Cooke, I. R. et al. Detection of Interstellar E-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene in GOTHAM Observations of TMC-1. 2023 ApJ, 948, 1332023ApJ…948..133C
Corcoran, K.A. et al. No MSP Counterparts Detected in GBT Searches of Spider Candidates 4FGL J0935.3+0901, 4FGL J1627.7+3219, and 4FGL J2212.4+0708. 2023 RNAAS, 7, 412023RNAAS…7…41C
Crawford, F. et al. Measurements of the Crab Pulsar’s Giant Radio Pulse Amplitude Power-Law Index Using Low-Frequency Arecibo and Green Bank Telescope Observations. 2023 ApJ, 948, 462023ApJ…948…46C
Edris, K.A. & Darwish, M.S. Dust emissions and OH masers: evidence for tracing advanced stages of HMPOs. 2023 EPhysJ+, 138, 82023EPJP..138..717E
Eibenstiner, C. et al Kinematic analysis of the super-extended HI disk of the nearby spiral galaxy M83. 2023 A&A, 675, A372023A&A…675A..37E
Fallon, P. et al. Point Source C-band Mueller Matrices for the Green Bank Telescope. 2023 AJ, 186, 262023AJ….166…26F
Falxa, M. et al Searching for continuous Gravitational Waves in the second data release of the International Pulsar Timing Array. 2023 MNRAS, 521, 50772023MNRAS.521.5077F
Ferreira, Ricardo Z. et al. Gravitational Waves from Domain Walls in Pulsar Timing Array Datasets. 2023 JCAP, 2, 12023JCAP…02..001F
Frank, E., et al. The HI Content of Red Geyser Galaxies. 2023 MNRAS, 519, 33122023MNRAS.519.3312F
Gallimore, J.F. & Impellizzeri, C.M.V. High Sensitivity Observations of the Water Megamasers of NGC 1068: Precise Astrometry and Detailed Kinematics. 2023 ApJ 951, 1092023ApJ…951..109G
Garrett, M. A. , & Siemion, A.P.V. Constraints on extragalactic transmitters via Breakthrough Listen. 2023 MNRAS, 519, 45812023MNRAS.519.4581G
Goddy, Julian S, et al. A Comparison of the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation in MaNGA and IllustrisTNG. 2023 MNRAS, 520, 38952023MNRAS.520.3895G
Isopi, G. et al. Compact Sources in the A401-A399 Galaxy Cluster System Observed at 90 GHz with the MUSTANG-2 Camera. 2023 RNAAS, 7, 792023RNAAS…7…79I
Kameno, S. et al. ALMA detection of 321 GHz water maser emission in the radio galaxy NGC 1052. 2023 PASJ, 75, L12023PASJ…75…L1K
Kumari, S. et al. Decade Long Timing Study of the Black Widow Millisecond Pulsar J1544+4937. 2023 ApJ, 942, 872023ApJ…942…87K
Lockman, F.J. et al. A Component of the Smith High Velocity Cloud Now Crossing the Galactic Plane. 2023 ApJ, 943, 552023ApJ…943…55L
Lu, R.-S. et al. A ring-like accretion structure in M87 connecting its black hole and jet. 2023 Nature, 616, 6862023Natur.616..686L
Ma, P.X. et al A deep-learning search for technosignatures from 820 nearby stars. 2023 Nat. Astr. 7, 492023NatAs…7..492M
Marchal, A. & Martin, P. On the origin of the North Celestial Pole Loop. 2023 ApJ, 942, 702023ApJ…942…70M
Miao, C.-C., et al. Reciprocating Magnetic Fields in the Pulsar Wind Observed from the Black Widow Pulsar J1720-0534. 2023 RAA., 23, 15005M2023RAA….23j5005M
Navarro-Almaida, D., et al. Linking the dust and chemical evolution: Taurus and Perseus. New collisional rates for HCN, HNC, and their C, N, and H isotopologues. 2023 A&A, 670, 1102023A&A…670A.110N
Noon, K.A. et al. Direct observations of the atomic-molecular phase transition in the Milky Way’s nuclear wind. 2023 MNRAS, 524, 12582023MNRAS.524.1258N
O’Neil, K. et al. Searching in H I for Massive Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: Samples from HyperLeda and the UGC. 2023 AJ, 165, 2632023AJ….165..263O< /td>
Orlowski-Scherer, J. et al. GBT/MUSTANG-2 900 resolution imaging of the SZ effect in MS0735.6+7421. Confirmation of the SZ cavities through direct imaging (Corrigendum). 2023 A&A 676, 202023A&A…676C…2O
Perez, K.I. et al. Green Bank Telescope Discovery of the Redback Binary Millisecond Pulsar PSR J0212+5321. 2023 ApJ 952, 1502023ApJ…952..150P
Popov, M.V. et al. Technical Constraints on Interstellar Interferometry and Spatially Resolving the Pulsar Magnetosphere. 2023 ApJ, 954, 1262023ApJ…954..126P
Redaelli, E. et al. Nitrogen fractionation in ammonia and its insights on nitrogen chemistry. 2023 A&A, 674, 82023A&A…674L…8R
Remijan, A. et al. Astronomical Detection of the Interstellar Anion C10H- towards TMC-1 from the GOTHAM Large Program on the GBT. 2023 ApJ 944, 452023ApJ…944L..45R
Romero, C.E. et al. Inferences from surface brightness fluctuations of Zwicky 3146 via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and X-ray observations. 2023 ApJ 951, 412023ApJ…951…41R
Sheikh, S.Z., et al. A Green Bank Telescope search for narrowband technosignatures between 1.1-1.9 GHz during 12 Kepler planetary transits. 2023 AJ 165 612023AJ….165…61S
Smith, S.E.T. et al. Velocity-Coherent Substructure in TMC-1: Inflow and Fragmentation. 2023 MNRAS, 518, 2852023MNRAS.519..285S
Suresh, A.  et al. A 4-8 GHz Galactic Center Search for Periodic Technosignatures. 2023 AJ, 165, 2552023AJ….165..255S
Swiggum, J.K. et al. The Green Bank North Celestial Cap Survey. VII. 12 New Pulsar Timing Solutions. 2023 ApJ, 944, 1542023ApJ…944..154S
Tennis, J.D. et al. Detection and modelling of CH3NC in TMC-1. 2023 MNRAS, 525,21542023MNRAS.525.2154T
Thomas, C.A. et al. Orbital Period Change of Dimorphos Due to the DART Kinetic Impact. 2023 Nature, 616, 4482023Natur.616..448T
Uno, Y. et al. Upper limits on transmitter rate of extragalactic civilizations placed by Breakthrough Listen observations. 2023 MNRAS, 522, 46492023MNRAS.522.4649U
Vujeva, L. et al. Mapping the multiphase structure of H I in the Low-Latitude Intermediate-Velocity Arch 1. 2023 ApJ 951, 1202023ApJ…951..120V

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