GBT Surveys of the 21-cm Sky

ALPACA, the Advanced L-band Phased Array Camera for Astronomy, is a phased-array receiver capable of providing high sensitivity observations simultaneously for 40 beams on the GBT in the 1-2 GHz band.

ALPACA is one of the most advanced phased array feeds for wide-field imaging developed to date. It is the first such instrument to include a large number of array elements within a cryogenic dewar so that both the front end electronics and antenna elements are cooled. Installed as a receiver on the Green Bank Telescope, ALPACA will enable unprecedented survey capability for pulsar and radio burst detection, through probing the diffuse intergalactic gas leftover from the cosmic dawn, and mapping radio recombination lines, solar radio bursts, and the magnetic fields of the diffuse interstellar medium.

With the intention of maximizing the science return from this instrument, and advertising it to a diverse group of astronomers as possible, GBO invites members of the scientific community for a four-day workshop on April 25-28, 2025. In addition to outlining key science projects for ALPACA, it is intended that the workshop will allow potential users to learn about the instrument, form collaborations, and aid in the planning and commissioning of the instrument

The Workshop will be held at the Green Bank Observatory, where the great natural beauty and intimate setting produce meetings characterized by a high level of interaction. Because of logistical considerations, attendance will be limited.


Registration for the meeting is now open at:

Note that registration closes on March 25


Lodging will be at the Observatory or nearby locations and all meals will be served in the Observatory Cafeteria. All lodging and meal costs will be covered for participants.

Travel Information

The easiest way to get here is to follow the directions on our “Getting Here” page. Please note that some GPS systems do not always give the best route to the Green Bank Observatory, and nothing beats the good old-fashioned paper map for navigation.

We will attempt to coordinate ride-sharing from airports if there is interest.

Workshop Preliminary Schedule

Note that anyone wishing to present a poster at the meeting is welcome.

Friday, April 25

  • Arrive and check-in
  • 6:30pm-? hors d’oeuvres, drinks in the lounge

Saturday, April 26

  • Overview of the instrument (talk)
  • Main science goals (talk)
  • Remote talk/discussion from Apertif and/or ASKAP (commissioning, lessons learned, RFI excision, etc)
  • Science break out to discuss needs (transients/timing / spectral line) – Hardware, Calibration, Software needs
  • Re-group to discuss results from break-out session

Sunday, April 27

  • Breakout sessions to delve into concerns and issues raised Saturday
  • Re-group to discuss results from breakout groups
  • Discussion of addition concerns
  • Funding ideas and plans
  • Next steps
  • Finish by dinner time on Sunday

Scientific Organizing Committee

  • Karen O’Neil (Green Bank Observatory)
  • Tim Robishaw (DRAO)
  • Dunc Lorimer (West Virginia University)
  • Amit Vishwas (Cornell University)
  • Kristine Spekkens (Queen’s University)
  • Adam Kobelski (NASA)
  • Froney Crawford (Franklin and Marshall College)
  • Kim Emig (NRAO)
  • Michael Busch (US San Deigo)
  • Nick Pingel (U Wisconsin)

Confirmed Attendees, to date

  • Karen O’Neil, Green Bank Observatory
  • Froney Crawford (Franklin and Marshall College)
  • Amit Vishwas (Cornell University)
  • Tim Robishaw (DRAO)
  • Joseph Ribaudo (Providence College)
  • David Sukow (Washington and Lee University)
  • Kimberly Emig (NRAO)
  • Michael Busch (University of California, San Diego)
  • Adam Kobelski
  • Duncan Lorimer (WVU)
  • Brian Jeffs (BYU)
  • Nick Pingle (UWisc)
  • Tao Chung Ching (NRAO)

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