Warm Ionized Medium (WIM) in Galaxies – Workshop

October 6-9, 2019

We are happy to announce a workshop on the Warm Ionized Medium (WIM) in Galaxies to be held at the Green Bank Observatory in Green Bank, WV from October 6-9, 2019. A similar meeting was held twenty years ago in Green Bank in September 1999. A summary of that meeting can be found in PASP: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/316537/pdf.

This workshop will be provide ample time for discussion, several review talks, and posters for 50 participants. Registration will be open on this site between July 1 and August 1. Scientific rationale, proposed topics, and travel instructions can be found below.

Scientific Rationale

The warm ionized medium, also called diffuse ionized gas, is a major component of the Galactic interstellar medium and is clearly important in other galaxies as well. In the twenty years since our previous workshop, understanding on the ionization, heating, cooling and overall dynamics of this gas has remained challenging. With several new Galactic surveys, the wealth of extragalactic data, and the advances in theoretical and computational models in the past few decades a workshop to reevaluate our understanding of the warm ionized medium is timely.

Topics to be discussed:

  1. The WIM in our Galaxy
  2. The WIM in other galaxies
  3. Optical/UV observations of the WIM
    a. H-alpha surveys
    b. He I, [NII], [SII], etc.
  4. Radio and sub-mm observations of the WIM
    a. Pulsar and FRB observations
    b. Radio recombination lines
    c. Radio polarimetry
  5. Infrared observations of the WIM
    a. Fine-structure transitions ([CII], [NII], etc.)
  6. Theory and simulations
    a. Ionization of the WIM
    b. Distribution and dynamics of the WIM
    c. Heating of the WIM
  7. Relationship to other ISM components
  8. Future WIM surveys

Structure of the Workshop

In the tradition of past Green Bank Workshops the total number of participants will be limited (50 people) which allows for candid discussions. The workshop will be held from the evening of Sunday, October 6 through the afternoon of Wednesday, October 9. Only a limited number of talks will be given which will allow ample time for discussion. Talks given will focus on new results and general reviews.

There are no planned proceedings for this workshop other than a review summary in PASP.

Schedule for the Workshop

On 10/6/2019, we will begin poster set-up at 5:00 p.m. and run into the evening

The full schedule for the workshop is available now (via shared Google Doc). There will be space and time for poster presentations.

The workshop will end at 1:00 p.m. on 10/9/2019


Local Organizing Committee

  • Will Armentrout
  • Mark Barnes
  • Natalie Butterfield
  • Jill Malusky
  • Toney Minter
  • Pedro Salas
  • Sue Shears
  • Madge Vosteen
  • Paul Vosteen

Science Organizing Committee

  • Dana Balser, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • Kat Barger, Texas Christian University
  • Susan Clark, Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton
  • Ralf-Juergen Dettmar, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
  • Matt Haffner, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Amy Jones, University of Alabama
  • Kathryn Kreckel, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg
  • Rebecca Levy, University of Maryland
  • Matteo Luisi, West Virginia University
  • Jorge Pineda, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Dan Stinebring, Oberlin College
  • Kenny Wood, University of St. Andrews

For more information, please contact Will Armentrout (ude.o1730121106arn@r1730121106tnemr1730121106aw1730121106), Postdoctoral Fellow at the Green Bank Observatory.


The number of participants is limited to 50. The initial registration deadline has passed, but we will continue to accept registrations for participants or poster presentations. Once we reach 50 registrations, the system will stop accepting new registrations. As of the initial August 1st registration deadline, we had ~40 registrations.

There is a fee for this event set at $250 / person which will cover meals, lodging, and incidental expenses. The registration fee can be paid in person at the workshop in October or billed afterwards.

You will not be billed at the time of registration, so the amount due at registration is $0.00.

Participant List

(as of 10/02/2019)
Loren Anderson
Will Armentrout
Dana Balser
Kat Barger
Luca Beale
Robert Benjamin
Dmitry Bizyaev
Christopher Bochenek
Timothy Braun
Natalie Butterfield
Jessica Campbell
Susan Clark
Amanda Cook
Ralf-Juergen Dettmar
Kimberly Emig
Matt Haffner
Fnu Hala
Carl Heiles
Christopher Howk
Amy Jones
Jeong-Gyu Kim
Kathryn Kreckel
Dhanesh (DK) Krishnarao
Shri Kulkarni
Glen Langston
Nicolas Lehner
Rebecca Levy
Di Li
Dylan Linville
Bin Liu
Felix Jay Lockman
Matteo Luisi
Geetam Mall
Ron Maddalena
Anthony Minter
Jorge Pineda
Zhijie Qu
Richard Rand
Michael Rugel
Ravi Sankrit
Brianna Smart
Dan Stinebring
Ryan Tanner
Trey Wenger
Kenny Wood

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