Special Proposal Call

Special Proposal Call

The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites Director’s Discretionary Time proposals
for filler time observations on the Green Bank Telescope (GBT).

Proposals must be submitted by
January 20, 2023 at 22:00 UT.

This request is for observing time at frequencies below 8 GHz.  Submissions for observations will be considered for scheduling in the 23-12 hour LST range.  Requests will be restricted to using the DCR, VEGAS and VEGAS pulsar modes unless special permission is received in advance of submission.  Requests will also be restricted to using the Prime Focus 800 MHz, L-band, S-band and C-band receivers unless special permission is received in advance of submission. 

We will not consider any Large Proposal requests (> 400 hours) as a part of this call.

Please state that your DDT submission is in response to this Special  Proposal Call (SPC) by beginning your proposal’s title using “SPC: ”.  All proposals should be submitted through the Proposal Submission Tool at https:/my.nrao.edu/.

Proposers who need assistance with proposal preparation or have questions regarding the Call or GBT capabilities should contact Observatory staff via the Helpdesk at https://help.nrao.edu/

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