GOTHAM is a broadband spectral line survey of the cold core Taurus Molecular Cloud-1 (TMC-1) Cyanopolyyne Peak with the Green Bank Telescope. Its primary goal is to investigate the chemical conditions of this region, characterized by dark cloud chemistry rich in unsaturated long-carbon-chain and aromatic molecules.

For publications that make use of these data please cite McGuire et al. 2020 and Xue et al. 2024 (link will be provided after submission).
Please also acknowledge the GBT Legacy Archive and the Observatory by including the following acknowledgements in your publication:
This publication makes use of the GBT Legacy Archive.
The Green Bank Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.
The associated READMEs are provided in the linked directories above that are provided by the GBT Legacy Archive but are listed here as well:
- Raw data README
- Calibrated data README: coming soon!