The Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane Survey (RAMPS) is a large international project that surveys 24 degrees2 of the Galactic Plane using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). These observations survey the Galactic Plane in the northern hemisphere from 10o<= l <= 40o and b = |0.4o| in ammonia and water masers.
Legacy Data
Details about the reduction and processing of this data can be found in Hogge et al. 2018.

File Naming Convention
The region of the sky is listed by the Galactic Longitude center point of the data cube with the data containing a degree of data. This convention means that certain portions of the sky will appear in two data cubes.
The data is listed by molecule and in the case of Ammonia, also sorted by transition. The data files for the derived products can be found in the Derived Data Products Folder. If a folder is empty for a certain molecule/transition that means there is no data for that specific transition at the selected portion of the map.
The entire directory can be accessed outside of navigating through each region at
The descriptions of the file names and various other information concerning the data can be found in this README. The README is also included in the main RAMPS directory.

For publications that make use of these data please acknowledge the RAMPS science team, the GBT Legacy Archive, and the Observatory by including the following acknowledgements in your publication:
This publication makes use of molecular line data from the Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane Survey (RAMPS). RAMPS is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant AST-1616635.
This publication makes use of the GBT Legacy Archive.
The Green Bank Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.