The Green Bank Observatory Brand and Logo

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The brand of the Green Bank Observatory what sets us apart in the world of radio astronomy – it is what is presented to scientists, advocates, partners, and radio astronomy enthusiasts around the world. It is more than just the logo used to represent the Observatory, it is a recognition of history, education, and excellence in scientific research and discovery. Whenever the Green Bank Observatory name appears in public, the brand is at work, therefore it is critical that the brand is protected.


A cornerstone of the Green Bank Observatory brand visual identity is our logo. The logo can be used by employees of the Observatory in documentation, marketing, and materials that support the mission and vision of the Observatory.

The logo can be used as a link to the Observatory website or acknowledge Observatory assistance or affiliation.

A logo is a flag for a brand

Paul Rand

How to use the logo

No explicit permission is necessary to use the Green Bank Observatory logo. A good use is to provide a link back to our website from an affiliate site. The Observatory logo cannot be used in a manner that falsely implies employment by or affiliation with Green Bank Observatory. The Observatory logo cannot be used to imply or endorse a product or service.

Logo Versions and Use

Standard Logo Versions

Black horizontal
White Horizontal
Horizontal logo
gbo vertical black logo png
Vertical black logo
gbo vertical white logo png
Vertical logo – reversed
gbo vertical logo gradient png
Vertical gradient logo

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a text-based graphics language that describes images with vector shapes, text, and embedded raster graphics, this makes them ideal for print or for web use; Portable Network Graphic (PNG) or Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) are for web or presentations. All SVG and PNG files have transparent backgrounds, unlike JPEG which have a solid white background. All Standard logos include the icon and logotype incorporated together. For all logos below, you may right-click to download and save the file formats.

Be sure to follow the Green Bank Observatory Brand Guidelines for all logos and logo use.

Green Bank Observatory Brand guidelines (PDF, right click to download)

GBO Standard Logo VersionsFormat
Purple and green gradient logo SVGPNGJPEG
Solid Green logo SVGPNGJPEG
Solid Purple logo SVGPNGJPEG
White logo (for use on dark background only) SVGPNG
Vertical logo – Purple and green gradientSVGPNGJPEG
Vertical logo – Solid GreenSVGPNGJPEG
Vertical logo – Solid PurpleSVGPNGJPEG
Vertical logo – BlackSVGPNGJPEG
Vertical logo – White (for use on a dark background only)SVGPNG


Here at Green Bank Observatory, we are deeply committed to supporting, valuing, and celebrating our present and future employees however you may identify – every day of the year. During the month of June, we specifically want to recognize the LGBTQIA+ community, both here at Green Bank, in our partners at the NRAO, and in other outside organizations, as both important and valued contributors to science and new innovative technologies.

This year we have added and adopted a modification of the Progress Pride Flag, created by Daniel Quaser, an evolution of the Philadelphia Pride Flag. “(Daniel) Quasar added a white, pink, and light blue stripe to represent the Trans community. While the black and brown stripes still represented communities of color, the black stripe is also a nod the thousands of individuals that the community lost during the HIV/AIDS crisis in 1980s and 1990s.” – Human Rights Commission

GBO Pride Logo VersionsFormat
Rectangular Pride LogoSVGPNGJPEG
Circular Pride LogoSVGPNGJPEG

Logo Lockups

You may need to use a grouping of logos (logo lockup) that include our supporting and managing organizations (U.S. National Science Foundation and Associated Universities, Inc.). Select the version below that will work for your use. Since these are designed to comply with branding guidelines for all the organizations, please do not alter the lockups in any way:

Logo Lock-up VersionsFormat
NSF, AUI, GBO – White (for use on a dark background)PNG
NSF, AUI, NRAO, GBO – White (for use on a dark background)PNG