Archives: Events

  • Scouts BSA Electronics merit badge weekend

  • High Tech Tour

    High Tech Tours are offered the 2nd Thursday of every month. $25/person Join an Observatory engineer for an in-depth conversation and behind-the-scenes peek at our electronics lab, telescope receivers, and the GBT control room. See what makes our observatory one of the world’s leading radio telescope facilities!  3:30 p.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.  Tour lengths will…

  • Single Dish Summer School Registration

    June 2024 – Single Dish Summer School (June 23-29, in-person only) — Open to the Scientific Community and presented by the Green Bank Observatory We will host this workshop at the Green Bank Observatory with in-person participation only. Green Bank scientists will be available to give students an introduction to single dish observing, and telescope-specific…

  • Amateur Radio Kids day

    The Green Bank Science Center is hosting an event for ARRL Kid’s Day to help young radio enthusiasts or novices alike make radio contacts with other kids. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the hobby and see what ham radio is all about. Come check it out! Contacts start at 1 PM.…

  • Ham Radio FCC License Testing

    Eight Rivers Amateur Radio Club will conduct an FCC Amateur Radio license testing session at the Science Center for those interested in getting a license or upgrading their current license. Testing will be conducted from 10am – 3pm. Please bring a photo ID. Those testing for their first license must first obtain an FCC Registration…

  • Monthly Star Party

    FREE!  Saturday, January 27th at 6:15 PM.  Please check in at the Science Center.  Doors will open 15 minutes before we start.

  • Monthly star party

    FREE!  Saturday, February 10th at 6:30 PM.  Please check in at the Science Center.  Doors will open 15 minutes before we start. If weather allows, Green Bank Observatory staff will treat you to views of the night sky! Dress warmly. The Science Center atrium will be open with hot cocoa available to warm you up.…

  • Monthly star party

    FREE!  Saturday, April 6th at 8:30 PM.  Please check in at the Science Center.  Doors will open 15 minutes before we start. If weather allows, Green Bank Observatory staff will treat you to views of the night sky! Dress warmly. The Science Center atrium will be open with hot cocoa available to warm you up.…