LST Clock

What is LST?

LST stands for 'Local Sidereal Time'. Normal (Solar) time like US Eastern, is based upon a 24 hour day, placing the Sun directly overhead at approximately the same time each day. If we measure the time between transits of a distant star we would find the time is slightly less than 24 hours, about 23 hours 56 minutes (in solar units). Why is this? The answer is because as our planet orbits the Sun, the Earth must rotate slightly more than one full-turn to 'see' the Sun transit. But the stars are far away, and essentially appear to be stationary. Local Sidereal midnight is defined to be when the first point of Aries passes directly overhead. Note that this depends on the location of the observer, hence the term 'local' sidereal time.

Running LSTclock as an application

The following code will allow you to embed the LSTclock on your Web page (it is the same code that is driving the clock at the top of this page).

<div id="js_clock" stlye="text-align: center">
<!-- Code Source: -->
<!-- Please reference the code source when using this code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function calculate() {
    var longit = -79.839835;
    var tDate = new Date();
    var utSeconds    = tDate.getUTCSeconds();
    var utMinutes    = tDate.getUTCMinutes();
    var utHours      = tDate.getUTCHours();
    var utDay        = tDate.getUTCDate();
    var utMonth      = tDate.getUTCMonth() + 1;
    var utYear       = tDate.getUTCFullYear();
    var UT        = utHours + utMinutes/60 + utSeconds/3600;
    var LMST      = LM_Sidereal_Time(JulDay (utDay, utMonth, utYear, UT),longit);
    var GMST      = LM_Sidereal_Time(JulDay (utDay, utMonth, utYear, UT),0.0);

    var cuth = utHours.toString();
    if ( utHours < 10 ) var cuth = "0" + utHours.toString(); 
    var cutm = utMinutes.toString()
    if ( utMinutes < 10 ) var cutm = "0" + utMinutes.toString(); 
    cuts = utSeconds.toString();
    if ( utSeconds < 10 ) var  cuts = "0" + utSeconds.toString(); 

    var h = Math.floor(LMST);
    var min = Math.floor(60.0*frac(LMST));
    var secs = Math.round(60.0*(60.0*frac(LMST)-min));
    if (secs == 60) {
     secs = 0;
     min = min + 1;
    ch = h.toString();
    if ( h < 10 ) var ch = "0" + h.toString(); 
    cmin = min.toString()
    if ( min < 10 ) var cmin = "0" + min.toString(); 
    csecs = secs.toString();
    if ( secs < 10 ) var csecs = "0" + secs.toString(); 

    h = Math.floor(GMST);
    min = Math.floor(60.0*frac(GMST));
    secs = Math.round(60.0*(60.0*frac(GMST)-min));
    if (secs == 60) {
     secs = 0;
     min = min + 1;
    gmt_ch = h.toString();
    if ( h < 10 ) var gmt_ch = "0" + h.toString(); 
    gmt_cmin = min.toString()
    if ( min < 10 ) var gmt_cmin = "0" + min.toString(); 
    gmt_csecs = secs.toString();
    if ( secs < 10 ) var gmt_csecs = "0" + secs.toString(); 

    var clock_div = document.getElementById('js_clock');
    clock_div.innerHTML = "<font face=Courier color=#000080> Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)  " +cuth + ":"  +cutm+":"+cuts+"<br>Greenwich Local Sidereal Time     " +gmt_ch + ":"  + gmt_cmin  + ":" +gmt_csecs+"<br>Green Bank Local Sidereal Time    " +ch + ":"  + cmin  + ":" +csecs+ "</font>";

  function LM_Sidereal_Time (jd, longitude) {
    var GMST = GM_Sidereal_Time(jd);		
    var LMST =  24.0*frac((GMST + longitude/15.0)/24.0);
    return LMST;

  function GM_Sidereal_Time (jd) {	
    var t_eph, ut, MJD0, MJD;		
    MJD = jd - 2400000.5;		
    MJD0 = Math.floor(MJD);
    ut = (MJD - MJD0)*24.0;		
    t_eph  = (MJD0-51544.5)/36525.0;			
    return  6.697374558 + 1.0027379093*ut + (8640184.812866 + (0.093104 - 0.0000062*t_eph)*t_eph)*t_eph/3600.0;		

  function JulDay (date, month, year, UT) {
    if (year<1900) year=year+1900
    if (month<=2) { month=month+12; year=year-1 }
    A = Math.floor(year/100);
    B = -13;
    JD =  Math.floor(365.25*(year+4716)) + Math.floor(30.6001*(month+1)) + date + B -1524.5 + UT/24.0;
    return JD

  function frac(X) {
    X = X - Math.floor(X);
    if (X<0) X = X + 1.0;
    return X;		

