Special Talk: Flashes in the Sky—The Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts
West Virginia astronomers share the origin of their discovery and hopes for future research
Can Astronomers Use Radar to Spot a Cataclysmic Asteroid?
Scientists share their latest findings and the future of radar in planetary science and defense
Astronomers Discover Most Massive Neutron Star—or Least Massive Black Hole
Green Bank Telescope helps MeerKAT uncover a mysterious object at the boundary between black holes and neutron stars
Massive Gas Clouds Escape Center of Milky Way
Green Bank Telescope Discovers Hundreds of Clouds Blasting into Interstellar Space
Mystery of Star Formation Revealed by Hearts of Molecular Clouds
Data from the World’s Largest Radio Telescopes Holds Clues
Astronomers Accidentally Discover Dark Primordial Galaxy
Could Be the Faintest Galaxy Found to Date
Most sensitive search for intelligent life beyond our galaxy to date
Breakthrough Listen presents the most sensitive search for powerful signals beyond the MilkyWay
New type of Fast Radio Burst discovered in Green Bank Telescope data
Eight ultra-fast bursts lasted only ten millionths of a second or less An international team of researchers have discovered radio pulses from the distant universe that last only millionths of a second. They found these microsecond bursts after a meticulous examination of archival data from the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Telescope. It’s unclear how…