GBO 65th Anniversary Colloquium Series
Please join us for a special colloquium series to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Green Bank Observatory. These celebratory talks will take place on Thursday afternoons throughout the months of September and October (see the full listing of dates below). Each talk will be a standard hour-long seminar with time for questions afterwards from…
K-Band Science Using the Green Bank Telescope
19th – 21st September 2022, Green Bank, WV
Galactic and Extragalactic High Velocity Clouds
High-Velocity Clouds (HVCs), those assemblies of gas around galaxies that do not follow the galactic rotation, have been enigmatic since their discovery almost 60 years ago. Recent observational and theoretical advances have clarified their properties and importance to galaxy formation and evolution. To explore this topic further, a Green Bank Workshop on “Galactic and Extragalactic…
Wider and Deeper at Green Bank: The New Argus-144 Instrument
September 22 – 24, 2020 10 am – 1 pm EDT
AAS 236 Presentations
Monday, June 1 Jun 1 2020 2:50PM 121.03. The NANOGrav Data Set: Probing Pulsar Emission Mechanisms and Galactic Magnetic Fields with GBT Data Jun 1 2020 5:30PM 142.02. Argus144: High resolution molecular gas mapping with a 144-element W-Band Array on the Green Bank Telescope Jun 1 2020 2:50PM 124.06. Neutral Hydrogen Tracing in Loose Galaxy…
Warm Ionized Medium (WIM) in Galaxies – Workshop
October 6-9, 2019
AstroBIO 2019
Global Properties of HI in Galaxies
Workshop, April 1-3, 2012 A Green Bank Workshop titled “Global Properties of HI in Galaxies” was held at the NRAO (now GBO) in Green Bank, WV in honor of the 35th anniversary of the discovery of the Tully-Fisher relationship. This workshop brought together researchers and students to discuss recent results on HI in galaxies.