18A Semester
18A Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the GBO’s 2018A Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2018A proposals is Tuesday, 1 August 2017, at 17:00 EDT (21:00 UTC). Proposals requesting the GBT as part of High Sensitivity Array (HSA), and…
17B Semester
17B Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the GBO’s 2017B Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2017B proposals is Wednesday, 1 February 2017, at 17:00 EST (22:00 UTC). Proposals requesting the GBT as part of High Sensitivity Array (HSA), and…
17A Semester
17A Proposal Call 17A Proposal Call Results A total of 70 proposals requesting NSF funded “open skies” time were submitted to the Green Bank Observatory’s Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) for semester 17A. Proposals are reviewed on a competitive basis with a panel review system (see Proposal Review System). Below are the statistics…