Category: GBT

  • Telescope Tag-Team Discovers Galactic Cluster’s Bizarre Secrets

    Towards the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, in the constellation Sagittarius, astronomers have discovered 10 monstrous neutron stars. Astronomers already knew that 39 pulsars call Terzan 5 home. With the teamwork of the U.S. National Science Foundation Green Bank Telescope (NSF GBT) and the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory’s MeerKAT Telescope, ten more have…

  • 25A Semester

    The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the Semester 2025A Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2025A proposals is Wednesday, 31 July 2024, at 21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT).

  • 24B Semester

    24B Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2024B Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2024B proposals was Wednesday, 31 January 2024, at 17:00 EST (22:00 UTC). The deadline is for the 24B semester observing period on the GBT: 1…

  • 24A Semester

    24A Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2024A Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2024A proposals is Wednesday, 2 August 2023, at 17:00 EDT (21:00 UTC). The deadline is for the 24A semester observing period on the GBT: 1…

  • LO Doppler Tracking Issue

    Data taken with the GBT during the period March 13th, 2023 @18:00 ET – May 25th, 2023 were not corrected properly for doppler tracking in the barycentric and LSR frames.

  • FastX Upgrade

    We encourage all observers to test the new installation prior to your observations.

  • 23B Semester

    23B Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2023B Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2023B proposals is Wednesday, 1 February 2023, at 17:00 EDT (22:00 UTC). The entire proposal call can be found on this page. We would like…

  • Special Proposal Call

    Special Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites Director’s Discretionary Time proposalsfor filler time observations on the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). Proposals must be submitted by January 20, 2023 at 22:00 UT. This request is for observing time at frequencies below 8 GHz.  Submissions for observations will be considered for scheduling in the 23-12…