Category: GBT

  • Semester 2025B

    The National Radio Astronomy Observatory/Green Bank Observatory (NRAO/GBO) Call for Proposals for the Semester 2025B will close on Wednesday, 29 January at 22:00 UTC (5:00 P.M. ET). The Semester 2025B Proposal Call information can be viewed here.

  • GOTHAM Data

    GOTHAM is a broadband spectral line survey of the cold core Taurus Molecular Cloud-1 (TMC-1) Cyanopolyyne Peak with the Green Bank Telescope. Its primary goal is to investigate the chemical conditions of this region, characterized by dark cloud chemistry rich in unsaturated long-carbon-chain and aromatic molecules. Acknowledgement For publications that make use of these data…

  • GBT at Full azimuth Slew Rate

    The GBT has returned to the regular full azimuth slew rate.


    The Green Bank Observatory has finished the process of upgrading to Red Hat 8 (RH8). Observations can again be done with either machine Ariel or Titania!


    The goal was to observe the 21 (those observable from Green Bank) of the 25 CLASH clusters with MUSTANG1. 13 CLASH clusters were observed and the resulting data products are provided here. Acknowledgement For publications that make use of these data please cite Romero et al. 2015 and Romero et al. 2017. Please also acknowledge…

  • Ku-Band TCal values updated

    The default TCal values used for standard calibration have been updated for the Ku-Band receiver. 

  • 25A Semester

    Proposal Call The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) invites scientists to participate in the 2025A Semester Call for Proposals for the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The submission deadline for Semester 2025a proposals is Wednesday, 31 July 2024, at 17:00 EDT (21:00 UTC). The deadline is for the 25A semester observing period on the GBT: 1 February…

  • GBT at 3/4 azimuth Slew Rate

    Three more azimuth wheels have been replaced during this summer maintenance period. Wheel inspection shows no advanced signs of fatigue in the remaining wheels. The restriction to 1/2 azimuth slew rate has been lifted and the GBT is now moving at 3/4 azimuth slew rate.