Green Bank Telescope featured in Civil Engineering magazine
The July/August Civil Engineering magazine features the Green Bank Telescope as its covered story, picture by Jee Seymour.
Green Bank Observatory at #AAS241
SPECIAL SESSION New Windows onto the Universe with the GBT: Asteroids, Exotic Stars, Gaseous Filaments and More Monday, January 9th at 9-10AM PT for iPosters session and 2-3:30PM for panel presentation in room 605/610 PRESS CONFERENCE The Next Generation Planetary Radar System on the Green Bank Telescope Tuesday, January 10th at 10:15AM PT in room…
The Green Bank Telescope & Next Generation RADAR
The Next Generation Radar program (ngRADAR) is a collaboration between the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), Green Bank Observatory (GBO), and Raytheon Space & Intelligence. Together they will create an active radar system for GBO’s 100-meter Green Bank Telescope (GBT) using the latest solid-state technology. For twenty years, Green Bank Observatory’s 100-meter radio telescope has…
Green Bank Student Scientists Launch Massive Balloon for Airborne Experiments
Budding scientists in Green Bank, West Virginia will embark on a new mission next week. Students in Ms. Brown’s 7th grade class have planned extensively to launch a 12-foot diameter, high altitude helium balloon to conduct several scientific experiments.
Celebrate the Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse at Green Bank Observatory
Sunday, May 15th a total lunar eclipse of a supermoon will be visible to most of us in West Virginia (weather permitting) between the hours of 10:30pm and 2am Eastern Time. The start and end of the lunar eclipse’s ‘totality’ is between 11:30pm and 1am. No special equipment is needed to view a lunar eclipse,…
Future of Earth’s Defense is Ground-based Planetary Radar
Green Bank Telescope will be largest fully steerable antenna in the world capable of transmitting radar signals for research Powerful radar systems have played a major role in the study of planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects in our Solar System for several decades, and now have a “unique role” to play in planetary defense…