The Green Bank Telescope & planetary radar: shining light on our nearest neighbors
The Green Bank Telescope plays an integral role in Next Generation radar astronomy.
Eavesdropping on interstellar communications with the Green Bank Telescope
Communications across the vastness of interstellar space could be enhanced by taking advantage of a star’s ability to focus and magnify communication signals. A team of graduate students at Penn State is looking for just these sorts of communication signals that might be taking advantage of our own sun if transmissions were passing through our…
Green Bank Telescope featured in Civil Engineering magazine
The July/August Civil Engineering magazine features the Green Bank Telescope as its covered story, picture by Jee Seymour.
The Green Bank Telescope & Next Generation RADAR
The Next Generation Radar program (ngRADAR) is a collaboration between the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), Green Bank Observatory (GBO), and Raytheon Space & Intelligence. Together they will create an active radar system for GBO’s 100-meter Green Bank Telescope (GBT) using the latest solid-state technology. For twenty years, Green Bank Observatory’s 100-meter radio telescope has…
Green Bank Student Scientists Launch Massive Balloon for Airborne Experiments
Budding scientists in Green Bank, West Virginia will embark on a new mission next week. Students in Ms. Brown’s 7th grade class have planned extensively to launch a 12-foot diameter, high altitude helium balloon to conduct several scientific experiments.
Celebrate the Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse at Green Bank Observatory
Sunday, May 15th a total lunar eclipse of a supermoon will be visible to most of us in West Virginia (weather permitting) between the hours of 10:30pm and 2am Eastern Time. The start and end of the lunar eclipse’s ‘totality’ is between 11:30pm and 1am. No special equipment is needed to view a lunar eclipse,…