Blumberg Astrobiology Grants at the Green Bank Observatory

The Blumberg grant program at the Green Bank Observatory (GBO) supports use of the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) for research in astrobiology and related topics, including chemistry, planetary structure and formation, and star formation. The awards will support expenses associated with travel to the Green Bank Observatory for use of the GBT, or for reduction and analysis of archival GBT data. The award can also support travel to conferences and publication of the results. Preference will be given to graduate students and early career scientists.

Funding is derived from a grant to the GBO by Dr. Martine Rothblatt, chair and CEO of United Therapeutics, Inc. These grants are named in honor of Dr. Baruch Blumberg: Nobel Laureate, first director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, and chair of United Therapeutics’ corporate parent’s Scientific Advisory Board.

Applicants should submit by Feb 17, 2020 a brief CV, a concise description of the proposed research, and an estimated budget. Students should have a brief letter from their advisor supporting the application. Awards will be made directly to the grantees.

All application materials should be sent by email by clicking the button below:

You may also use the email link above for all questions.