2019 PING Applications are now live
If you are an 8th grader who is interested in science, math and/or engineering, we invite you to apply to come to PING Camp, this summer at the Green Bank Observatory. A challenging, fun week awaits you as you learn how to use radio telescopes to investigate the Universe! More information about the program can…
Green Bank Telescope Aids in Finding Lost Spacecraft
Finding a tiny lost space-craft at a distance of 270,000 miles away may seem impossible, but NASA scientists have done just that. Using a new radar technique, they have located India’s Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft which has been lost since August 2009, the last time any communication was received from it. Chandrayaan-1, India’s first mission to the…
Now taking applications for the Research Experience for Teachers Program
What are you doing over the summer break? Would you like to learn more about cutting edge engineering applications and bring back a hands-on engineering project for your students to experiment with? West Virginia University leads a collaboration with the Observatory to offer a six-week summer research program to 10 high school teachers each summer,…
“…comet swarm, cloud of debris, or alien construction site”- Tabby’s Star Scrutinized by Green Bank Telescope
A fascinating article recently published by Astronomy Magazine, describes observations made using the Green Bank Telescope of a very quirky star known as Tabby’s Star (named after Tabetha Boyajian, the post-doc who studied its behavior). Tabby’s star dims substantially, at irregular intervals, setting it apart from other stars that harbor exoplanets. What could account for…