Author: Green Bank Observatory

  • 06/07/2016: Growing crops, business in WV no small potatoes

    What can people in West Virginia do to make the state more economically productive and diverse, particularly to overcome the loss of many of its traditional big money industries? How about agriculture? A crazy idea considering the rugged terrain of much of the Mountain State, but when you look further, is it such a crazy…

  • 05/30/2016: National Research Council study reveals the galaxy is under pressure to make stars

    A new study led by Canadian astronomers provides unprecedented insights into the birth of stars. Using observations from the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the Hawaii-based James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in the United States, astronomers from the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) have discovered that star formation is more regulated by pressure…

  • 05/23/2016: Science: Nurturing Success From Failure

    On a calm November evening in 1988, the 300 foot radio telescope at Green Bank Observatory collapsed. While the collapse was a huge blow to radio astronomy, it is somewhat surprising that it lasted as long as it did. The radio telescope was proposed in 1960 as a way to fill the observational gap between…

  • 05/10/2016: Virtual Earth-space telescope sheds new light on Milky Way

    Astronomers have created a virtual Earth-space radio telescope more than 100,000 miles across – a super-high resolution that reveals new details of a quasar and our Milky Way. The researchers were surprised when their Earth-space system revealed a temperature hotter then 10 trillion degrees. “Only this space-Earth system could reveal this temperature, and now we…

  • 04/27/2016: Green Bank Ein Dorf ohne Elektrosmog

    Green Bank – A Village without Electric Smog Aired by ZDF.  See more a:

  • 04/21/2016: Hunt Continues for Gravitational Waves from Black Hole Megamergers

    The sound of merging supermassive black holes does not saturate the universe. For the past decade, scientists with the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) collaboration have been listening for a constant “hum” of low-frequency gravitational waves. Theoretical work suggests that this hum — generated by collisions involving supermassive black holes, which contain…

  • 04/20/2016: The Town without Wifi

    You can’t make a call or send a text on your cell phone in Green Bank, West Virginia. Wireless Internet is outlawed, as is Bluetooth. As you approach the tiny town on a two-lane road that snakes through the Allegheny Mountains, the bars on your cell phone fall like dominoes, and the scan function on…

  • 04/14/2016: The monstrous temperature of a black hole

    Quasars are singular regions of the universe, very compact and very light surrounding a supermassive black hole. And this is precisely the black hole of 3C273 that attracted the attention of scientists, who have tried to determine its temperature. To do this, they have combined efforts of ground and space measuring instruments and thus requested…