Green Bank Observatory Inauguration
Four years after the National Science Foundation announced it would drop funding for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank effective Oct. 1, 2016, the Pocahontas County research center remains alive and well, and as of last week, proudly independent. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory sign at the entrance to the 60-year-old research center…
ABC News10: Town full of people lives without cellphones, Wi-Fi to get signals from space
No cell phones, no Wi-Fi… not even a radio station. And that’s just how one town in West Virginia wants it. The town of Green Bank doesn’t use personal technology because it’s listening to something else. It’s in the middle of the national radio quiet zone, home to the World’s largest movable radio telescope. The…
CBS Pittsburgh: No Cell Phones, Wi-Fi Allowed In Small W.Va. Town
Would you believe there’s a place where no one can use a cell phone? Where Wi-Fi is not allowed? Where even finding a radio station can be a difficult task? There’s a town in West Virginia a few hours to south of Pittsburgh where all that is true. Green Bank is a place where you…
01/05/2016: Physics Professor Using 3-D Map of the Milky Way to Determine Its Star Formation Rate
Radio telescopes have provided scientists with incredible information about our own galaxy, as well as those around us. While researchers understand a great deal of galaxies far away, gaps remain in the knowledge about our own, the Milky Way – specifically, how global star formation works in our own backyard, and how many stars our…
Pasadena News Now: Local High School Students Hunt for Pulsars
Hanaa is hunting for a blip in a vast set of data. Although she is only a high school student, she is searching for the signal of a pulsar — a rapidly rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation like a lighthouse. Hanaa and 19 of her fellow students at Alverno Heights…
Discovery News: Why Does This U.S. Town Ban WiFi And Cell Phones?
Imagine living where Wi-Fi and cell-phones are banned. This [West] Virginian town, is a gem for space science and safe haven for many. Aired on Discovery News. View the video here.
06/29/2016: Seeking Radio Silence in West Virginia’s Quiet Zone
The town of Green Bank, West Virginia, is a sleepy Appalachian town, the kind one might move to in order to escape the grind of urban centers and bustling suburbs. But its 143 residents didn’t exactly move there for literal quiet. Green Bank is located in eastern West Virginia, in what’s known as the National Radio Quiet Zone,…
06/29/2016: Clandestine Black Hole May Represent New Population
Astronomers combined data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope and the National Science Foundation’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) [and the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope] to find out that there is a peculiar source of radio waves originally thought to be a distant galaxy. As it turns out,…