With over fifty years of experience in radio astronomy and uniquely located within the National and West Virginia Radio Quiet Zones, the Green Bank Observatory (GBO) is home to seven large radio telescopes ranging in size from 14m – 100m in diameter. The site also has significant infrastructure which allows for the installation of any instrument which may benefit from the radio quiet location of the site, as well as an excellent test range for receivers and other hardware and a large anechoic chamber outfitted for testing antenna beam patterns and radio emissions from all types of equipment. The primary function of the GBO is for scientific research of all types. As a result the facility telescopes have been used in a wide variety of ways, including satellite tracking, spacecraft tracking, atmospheric studies, monitoring of astronomical and planetary phenomenon, and educational programs.
Learn more about our premier instrument, the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope
20 Meter
Telescope pages below under construction

40 Foot

45 Foot

140 Foot

185 Foot (Tatel)

