Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We are {ALL} made of star stuff

Here at GBO, we know that diversity is integral to achieving excellence. In order to fulfill our missions, we must ensure that our employees have the resources they need to have equal access to opportunities for success and advancement, and feel empowered and encouraged to pursue them. Our goal is to create a fully inclusive work culture across the social spectrum, by holding ourselves accountable for recognizing, acknowledging, and eliminating barriers. We encourage women, people with disabilities, people of color, indigenous people, Hispanic/Latino people and members of the LGBTQIA+ community to apply for positions within our organizations.

Green Bank Observatory has employees who serve in the the Employee Diversity Group (EDG), which is made up of employees from across the organization (AUI, GBO,NRAO) who are committed to creating a more equitable and inclusive culture where people with diverse identities thrive. The EDG works through grassroots engagement, education, and action.


During Pride Month (June) Green Bank Observatory (GBO) makes a visible change to our logo, because we want to send the clear message that we value our current and future LGBTQIA+ colleagues, friends, and family members. We send this same message internally by taking seriously our obligation to create and maintain an environment that is safe, secure, and welcoming.

We recognize that our LGBTQIA+ colleagues continue to face social and legal challenges in broader society, and we are committed to ensuring that GBO is a place where being yourself is celebrated. We are grateful to the many people who work here – those who are out, not out, and are allies – who make GBO a place at which diversity of sexual orientation and gender identity is welcomed.

At Green Bank Observatory, we aren’t content with learning about diversity and inclusion; we are continually, intentionally working to identify and change policies and practices that exclude or marginalize. Our staff are empowered and encouraged to speak up when they see a need for change; to talk with each other, and to advocate for changes in policies and practices that aren’t serving all of us.

We hope that Green Bank Observatory has proven, and continues, to be a safe and welcoming environment for our LGBTQIA+ colleagues, both internally and in the community. If we fall short, or if there are changes that we need to make, please let us know.

Vertical Pride logo
Horizontal Pride logo
Rectangular Pride Logo

More resources in West Virginia for LGBTQIA+

West Virginia University LGBTQ resources

Marshall University’s LGBTQ+ resources

Fairness WV