Oxygen in Planetary Biospheres – Screening

As a United States Federal Facility, we are required to perform screening for anyone accessing our network or facilities. Please complete the form on the following website: https://info.nrao.edu/oas/dpscompliance.

In addition to your personal information, please include the following in the appropriate fields in bold below:

Name of AUI/NRAO/GBO Host: Kelsey Brooks

Purpose of Visit: Conference, Workshop, School

AUI/NRAO/GBO Facility (mark all of the items below):

  • Green Bank, WV – Science Center, housing, or other public facilities
  • Green Bank, WV – Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope
  • Green Bank, WV – Jansky Lab

Visit Start Date (you may leave time blank): 2023 / May / 4

Visit End Date (you may leave time blank): 2023 / May / 8


To allow for coordination of requests, please submit the completed form at least two weeks prior to date of arrival;  international visitors should allow three weeks.