- Green Bank Observatory - https://greenbankobservatory.org -

GBT Surveys

The GBT is used for a number of surveys that exploit the unique capabilities of the telescope. Through its web site, the Green Bank Observatory provides facilities to help its users with the organization and execution of surveys, and a place to make the final data products permanently accessible to the community.

If you are interested in using our site for your survey please contact Anika Schmiedeke: ude.o1741900220arn@e1741900220kedei1741900220mhcsj1741900220a1741900220 [1]

Link to Survey PageNameReceiver(s)Region(s)Frequency / Targeted LinesPIData Access
[2]Bar Ammonia Radiation in Filaments, Lanes, and YSOsKFPAGalactic Bar Dust LanesNH3Butterfield
Dense Extragalactic GBT+Argus SurveyArgus36 galaxiesHCN, HCO+, 13CO, C18OKepley
[3]Diffuse Molecular Galactic Disk SurveyLBusch
[4]Dynamics in Star-forming CoresArgusPerseus Molecular CloudN2H+Chen
[5]Drift Scan Survey for Pulsars, FRBs, Radio Transients, and Gas in GalaxiesLBonsall, Seymour
[6]Extragalactic Database for Galaxy EvolutionArgus150 galaxiesCO(1-0)Bolatto
[7]Green Bank Ammonia SurveyKFPAGould Belt NH3Friesen, PinedaGAS data [8]
[9]Green Bank North Celestial Cap SurveyPF342pulsars, all-skySwiggum
[10]GBT Diffuse Ionized Gas SurveyCinner Galactic Plane (32°>l>5°; b<|0.5°|)RRLsAndersonGDIGS data [11]
[12]GBT Diffuse Ionized Gas Survey at Low FrequenciesPF342, PF800inner Galactic Plane (32°>l>5°; b<|0.5°|)RRLsSalas
[13]The GBT L1544 Unbiased Complex Organics SurvEyQL1544spectral line surveyScibelli
[14]GBT Observations of TMC-1: Hunting Aromatic MoleculesS, C, X, Ku, KFPA, KaTMC-1spectral line surveyMcGuireGOTHAM Data [15]
[16]Lz<0.05 MaNGA galaxiesHIMastersHi-MaNGA Data [17]
[18]KFPA Examinations of Young Stellar (O-star) Natal EnvironmentsKFPA11 GMCsNH3,
Di Francesco
[19]Molecular Exploration of the Diffuse Interstellar mediUML, S, C, X, Ku, KFPA, Ka, QW49Nspectral line surveyGupta
[20]North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational WavesPF800, LDemorest
[21]Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane SurveyKFPAGalactic Plane (40°>l>10°; b<|0.4°|)NH3JacksonRAMPS Data [22]
[23]Robust Gas Measurements for BreakBRD GalaxiesLStark

SurveySurvey NameReceiver(s)Region(s)Frequency / Targeted LinesPI
MEDIUMMolecular Exploration of the Diffuse Interstellar mediUMKa, Q, KFPA, Ku, X, C, S, L, W49Nspectral line surveyGupta
GBT EDGEGBT Extragalactic Database for Galaxy Ev olutionArgus150 galaxiesCO(1-0)Bolatto
GASGreen Bank Ammonia SurveyKFPAGould Belt NH3Friesen, Pineda
HI-MaNGALz<0.05 MaNGA galaxiesHIMasters
RAMPSRadio Ammonia Mid-Plane SurveyKFPAGalactic Plane (40>l>10; b<|0.4|)NH3Jackson
GDIGSGBT Diffuse Ionized Gas SurveyCinner Galactic Plane (32>l>5; b<|0.5|)RRLsAnderson
GDIGS-LowGBT Diffuse Ionized Gas Survey at Low FrequenciesPF342, PF800inner Galactic Plane (32>l>5; b<|0.5|)RRLsSalas
DEGASDense Extragalactic GBT+Argus SurveyArgus36 galaxiesHCN, HCO+, 13CO, C18OKepley
GOTHAMGBT Observations of TMC-1: Hunting Aromatic MoleculesX, C, S, Ku, KFPA, KaTMC-1Spectral line surveyMcGuire
NANOGravNorth American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational WavesPF800, LDemorest
GBNCCGreen Bank North Celestial Cap SurveyPF342pulsars, all-skySwiggum
DiSCo GASDynamics in Star-forming Cores: A GBT-Argus SurveyArgusPerseus Molecular CloudN2H+Chen
GLUCOSEGBT L1544 Unbiased Complex Organics SurvEyQL1544Spectral line surveyScibelli
Diffuse Molecular Galactic Disk SurveyLBusch
Robust Gas Measurements for BreakBRD GalaxiesLStark
Drift Scan Survey for Pulsars, FRBs, Radio Transients, and Gas in GalaxiesPF342, PF800, LBonsall