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Throughout the YGOR programs are software "test points" or samplers which periodically read and time-tag values. The accessor provides "on-demand" access to all samplers. For example, whenever a CLEO application displays a monitor component, it establishes a connection to the accessor to get a stream of sampled values which are displayed in the widget on the screen. 


Asynchronous Managers
Managers come in two flavors, synchronous and asynchronous. Asynchronous managers are those that need not be scheduled to work in tune to what other managers are doing. For example, many of the components in the I.F. system don't need to have their actions synchronized with the data taking.


In order to perform some major function, like control a manager or modify the parameters in a manager, a user must first be in the Gateway security database. The database will eventually be under the control of the telescope operator who will assign access privileges for a user for a particular device. The operators and at most one other user are allowed privileges for a device.


Installation Directory:
An installation directory, at it's simplest, is a location where one has placed a complete version of the Monitor and Control system. By allowing for different installation directories, the YGOR system provides the power to easily switch between versions of the control system.


A manager is usually the software interface to a device. Sometimes, they are interfaces to 'virtual' devices, software systems that perform some function like archiving sampler data or coordinating other managers. They are either synchronous and asynchronous managers depending upon whether their actions need to be coordinated with other managers. The way one interacts with a manager is through parameters, samplers, and manager methods. See the YGOR Fundamentals documentation for further details.


Messages -- strings of text -- are generated throughout the YGOR programs to describe all types of expected and unexpected events.  All messages from all YGOR programs are sent via ethernet to a single program (currently messageMux).  Every message has associated with it a severity level as well as what device produced the error, when the error occurred and when it was cleared.


The way one interacts with a manager is through parameters, samplers, and manager methods. Parameters are most often items that allow you to configure a device (e.g., flip a switch, set an attenuator, set an integration time). Sometimes, parameters provide information about a manager (e.g., the state or status of a manager; how much time is left in an observation).


Primary Parameter
The set of parameters and their values which completely describe how one can specify all the options for a manager are flagged as being primary parameters.


The way one interacts with a manager is through parameters, samplers, and manager methods. Samplers provide a continuous stream of data values much like a power meter, frequency counter, or volt meter.


Throughout the YGOR programs are software "test points" or samplers which periodically read and time-tag values which can be tapped into by one of two programs: registries or the accessor. Registries accept sampler values continuously for purposes of creating log files. The accessor, on the other hand, provides "on-demand" access to all samplers. For example, whenever a CLEO application displays a monitor component, it establishes a connection to the accessor to get a stream of sampled values which are displayed in the widget on the screen. 


Synchronous Managers
Managers come in two flavors, synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous managers are those that can be scheduled to work in tune to what other managers are doing. All backend managers, for example, are synchronous since they shouldn't take data unless the telescope manager decides the telescope is on source.


Copyright © 2000 Associated Universities, Inc. Washington D.C., USA
Modified: 21 July, 2005 by Ronald J. Maddalena