Contents of the Fermi Bubbles and Related Topics
The Green Bank Observatory is hosting a workshop May 5th to May 7th 2025 on the Fermi Bubbles in honor of Jay Lockman’s 50+ years of service to NRAO/GBO.
The Fermi Bubbles are a striking signature of the large-scale,
multi-phase galactic outflow originating from the center of the Milky
Way. Over the last 15 years, advancements in both observational
techniques and theoretical models have greatly enhanced our
understanding of this nuclear outflow. However, these developments
have also unveiled new questions, highlighting the intricate nature of
its formation, energy dynamics, and broader astrophysical
significance. This Green Bank Workshop seeks to bring together
researchers studying the Fermi Bubbles and nuclear outflows,
emphasizing both observational discoveries and theoretical insights.
Discussions will cover the latest multi-wavelength observations of the
multi-phase nuclear wind of the Milky Way, as well as the most recent
theories on its formation and evolution. The conference will also
explore local analogues in the Universe, fostering collaboration
across disciplines.
The Workshop will be held at the Green Bank Observatory, where the great natural beauty and intimate setting produce meetings characterized by a high level of interaction. Because of logistical considerations, attendance will be limited to 45 participants. Registration [1] closes March 28, 2025.
Lodging will be at the Observatory or nearby locations. All meals will be served in the Observatory Cafeteria. The cost for meals and lodging for the three day conference will be approximately $325 for on-site lodging and $475 for off-site lodging. It may be possible to waive some of the costs for some of the participants. (As of March 11, on-site lodging is still available).
Travel Information
The easiest way to get here is to follow the directions on our “Getting Here [2]” page. Please note that some GPS systems do not always give the best route to the Green Bank Observatory, and nothing beats the good old-fashioned paper map for navigation.
We plan to provide a bus/van shuttle from Dulles at 2pm on Sunday May 04 and returning from Green Bank to Dulles on Wednesday May 07 after the conference (leaving Green Bank around 1pm; the trip from Green Bank to Dulles is 3.5-4hrs). We will coordinate ride-sharing from area airports if there is interest.
Workshop Schedule [TBD]
Date | Start Time | Duration | Topic/Title |
04 May 2025 Sunday | People arrive throughout the afternoon and evening | ||
17:30 | 1:00 | Dinner in the Cafeteria | |
18:30 | Informal Reception in the Drake Lounge | ||
05 May Monday | 7:45 | 1:00 | Breakfast in the cafeteria |
Session 1 | 8:45 | 0:15 | Welcome: GBO Director and LOC |
12:30 | 0:45 | Lunch in Cafeteria | |
GBT Tour | 13:15 | 2:15 | GBT Tour |
Session 2 | 15:30 | ||
18:00 | Dinner | ||
06 May Tuesday | 7:45 | Breakfast in the cafeteria | |
Session 3 | 9:00 | ||
12:30 | Lunch in the Cafeteria | ||
Session 4 | 13:30 | ||
18:00 | Dinner | ||
07 May Wednesday | 7:45 | 1:00 | Breakfast in the Cafeteria |
Session 5 | 9:00 | ||
Workshop End | 12:30 | Lunch in the Cafeteria |
Scientific Organizing Committee
- Andrew Fox
- Daniel McCammon
- Robert Benjamin
- Daniel Wang
- Naomi McClure-Griffiths
- Michael Busch
- Mark Heyer
- Erico Di Teodoro – Chair
- H.-Y. Karen Yang
Invited Speakers (10)
- Francie Cashman (Presbyterian College)
- Kartick Sarkar (Raman Research Institute)
- Robin Tress (EPFL)
- Sylvain Veilleux (University of Maryland)
- Justin Spilker (Texas A&M University)
- Gabriele Ponti (INAF – Brera)
- Stefan Gillessen (MPE)
- Rongmon Bordoloi (North Carolina State University)
- H.-Y. Karen Yang (National Tsing Hua University)
- Evan Scannapieco (Arizona State University)
Additional Participants (28)
- Andy Fox (STSCI)
- Nicolas Peschken (University of Florence)
- Andrea Afruni (University of Florence)
- Robert Benjamin (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)
- Qingzheng Yu (University of Florence)
- Karlie Noon (Australian National University)
- Ruth Daly (Penn State Berks Campus)
- Dan McCammon (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Lisiyuan Yang (UMass Amherst)
- David Frayer (Green Bank Observatory/NRAO)
- Jay Lockman (Green Bank Observatory/NRAO)
- Patrick Ogle (STSCI)
- Enrico Di Teodoro (University of Florence)
- Heshou Zhang (INAF)
- Jael Rojas (INAOE)
- Daniel Bautista (NRAO/GBO)
- Timothy Heckman (John Hopkins University)
- Glen Langston (NSF)
- Toney Minter (NRAO/GBO)
- Glenn White (STFC and Open University)
- Gey Feland (University of Kentucky)
- Nicola Locatelli (INAF – OAB)
- Gerald Cecil (University of North Carolina)
- Ron Maddalena (NRAO/GBO)
- Daysi Quinatoa (Observatorio Astronomica de Quito)
- Michael Busch (Univ of California, San Diego)
- Allanur Ansari (Washburn University of Topeka)
- Riley Dunnagan (Green Bank Observatory/NRAO)
Local Organizing Committee
- David Frayer
- Mark Barnes
- Jay Lockman
- Paul Vosteen
- Riley Dunnagan
Register for this event via our events calendar [1].