David Theodore Frayer
Work Address:
Green Bank Observatory
155 Observatory Rd, P.O. Box 2
Green Bank, WV 24944 (USA)
Office Phone: (304) 456-2223
Work e-mail:
Current Position:
Astronomer, NRAO/GBO
Science Division Lead
Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Support Scientist
Precision Telescope Control System (PTCS) Scientist
GBT Data Archive Systems Scientist
Science team member/associate of the xFLS, SWIRE, GOODS, S-COSMOS, FIDEL, GOALS, GOODS-H, H-ATLAS, HERMES, Zpectrometer, Argus, MEDIUM, EDGE, DiSCO, DEGAS
Research Interests:
Local LIRGs, ULIRGs, starbursts, and dwarf galaxies
High-redshift galaxies and AGN
Formation and evolution of galaxies
Ongoing Research Programs:
CO(1-0) observations of SMGs
HI observations of the local GOALS LIRGs/ULIRGs
Studies of the gas and ISM of ULIRGs/SMGs
Ph.D. in Astronomy (1996), University of Virginia
M.A. in Astronomy (1993), University of Virginia
B.S. in Astronomy and Astrophysics (1991), Indiana University
(2022--) Astronomer, NRAO/GBO
(2016-2022) Scientist, Green Bank Observatory
(2015-2018) Adjunct Professor of Physics & Astronomy, West Virginia University
(2014-2016) Scientist, NRAO, Green Bank
(2012-2015) Adjunct Associate Professor of Physics, West Virginia University
(2009-2014) Associate Scientist, NRAO, Green Bank
(2006-2009) Associate Scientist, NASA Herschel Science Center, IPAC/Caltech
(2000-2006) Assistant Scientist, Spitzer Science Center, IPAC/Caltech
(1997-2000) Postdoctoral Scholar with OVRO MM-Array Group, Caltech
(1995-1997) Postdoctoral Fellow in Astronomy, University of Toronto
(1993-1995) Junior Research Associate, NRAO-CV
(1991-1993) Graduate Astronomy Research Assistant, University of Virginia
(Summer 1990) Research Experiences for Undergraduates, NRAO-CV