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2023 Publications

Author. Title. ReferenceAbstract/Article Link (if available)
Agazie, G. et al. The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Observations and Timing of 68 Millisecond Pulsars. 2023 ApJ, 951, 92023ApJ…951L…9A [1]
Andreon, s. et al. Witnessing the intracluster medium assembly at the cosmic noon in JKCS 041. 2023 MNRAS, 522, 43012023MNRAS.522.4301A [2]
Anna-Thomas, R. et al Magnetic field reversal in the turbulent environment around a repeating fast radio burst. 2023 Science, 380, 5992023Sci…380..599A [3]
Bianchi, E. et al.  Cyanopolyyne chemistry in the L1544 prestellar core: new insights from GBT Observations. 2023 ApJ, 944, 2082023ApJ…944..208B [4]
Cooke, I. R. et al. Detection of Interstellar E-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene in GOTHAM Observations of TMC-1. 2023 ApJ, 948, 1332023ApJ…948..133C [5]
Corcoran, K.A. et al. No MSP Counterparts Detected in GBT Searches of Spider Candidates 4FGL J0935.3+0901, 4FGL J1627.7+3219, and 4FGL J2212.4+0708. 2023 RNAAS, 7, 412023RNAAS…7…41C [6]
Crawford, F. et al. Measurements of the Crab Pulsar’s Giant Radio Pulse Amplitude Power-Law Index Using Low-Frequency Arecibo and Green Bank Telescope Observations. 2023 ApJ, 948, 462023ApJ…948…46C [7]
Edris, K.A. & Darwish, M.S. Dust emissions and OH masers: evidence for tracing advanced stages of HMPOs. 2023 EPhysJ+, 138, 82023EPJP..138..717E [8]
Eibenstiner, C. et al Kinematic analysis of the super-extended HI disk of the nearby spiral galaxy M83. 2023 A&A, 675, A372023A&A…675A..37E [9]
Fallon, P. et al. Point Source C-band Mueller Matrices for the Green Bank Telescope. 2023 AJ, 186, 262023AJ….166…26F [10]
Falxa, M. et al Searching for continuous Gravitational Waves in the second data release of the International Pulsar Timing Array. 2023 MNRAS, 521, 50772023MNRAS.521.5077F [11]
Ferreira, Ricardo Z. et al. Gravitational Waves from Domain Walls in Pulsar Timing Array Datasets. 2023 JCAP, 2, 12023JCAP…02..001F [12]
Frank, E., et al. The HI Content of Red Geyser Galaxies. 2023 MNRAS, 519, 33122023MNRAS.519.3312F [13]
Gallimore, J.F. & Impellizzeri, C.M.V. High Sensitivity Observations of the Water Megamasers of NGC 1068: Precise Astrometry and Detailed Kinematics. 2023 ApJ 951, 1092023ApJ…951..109G [14]
Garrett, M. A. , & Siemion, A.P.V. Constraints on extragalactic transmitters via Breakthrough Listen. 2023 MNRAS, 519, 45812023MNRAS.519.4581G [15]
Goddy, Julian S, et al. A Comparison of the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation in MaNGA and IllustrisTNG. 2023 MNRAS, 520, 38952023MNRAS.520.3895G [16]
Isopi, G. et al. Compact Sources in the A401-A399 Galaxy Cluster System Observed at 90 GHz with the MUSTANG-2 Camera. 2023 RNAAS, 7, 792023RNAAS…7…79I [17]
Kameno, S. et al. ALMA detection of 321 GHz water maser emission in the radio galaxy NGC 1052. 2023 PASJ, 75, L12023PASJ…75…L1K [18]
Kumari, S. et al. Decade Long Timing Study of the Black Widow Millisecond Pulsar J1544+4937. 2023 ApJ, 942, 872023ApJ…942…87K [19]
Lockman, F.J. et al. A Component of the Smith High Velocity Cloud Now Crossing the Galactic Plane. 2023 ApJ, 943, 552023ApJ…943…55L [20]
Lu, R.-S. et al. A ring-like accretion structure in M87 connecting its black hole and jet. 2023 Nature, 616, 6862023Natur.616..686L [21]
Ma, P.X. et al A deep-learning search for technosignatures from 820 nearby stars. 2023 Nat. Astr. 7, 492023NatAs…7..492M [22]
Marchal, A. & Martin, P. On the origin of the North Celestial Pole Loop. 2023 ApJ, 942, 702023ApJ…942…70M [23]
Miao, C.-C., et al. Reciprocating Magnetic Fields in the Pulsar Wind Observed from the Black Widow Pulsar J1720-0534. 2023 RAA., 23, 15005M2023RAA….23j5005M [24]
Navarro-Almaida, D., et al. Linking the dust and chemical evolution: Taurus and Perseus. New collisional rates for HCN, HNC, and their C, N, and H isotopologues. 2023 A&A, 670, 1102023A&A…670A.110N [25]
Noon, K.A. et al. Direct observations of the atomic-molecular phase transition in the Milky Way’s nuclear wind. 2023 MNRAS, 524, 12582023MNRAS.524.1258N [26]
O’Neil, K. et al. Searching in H I for Massive Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: Samples from HyperLeda and the UGC. 2023 AJ, 165, 2632023AJ….165..263O [27]< /td>
Orlowski-Scherer, J. et al. GBT/MUSTANG-2 900 resolution imaging of the SZ effect in MS0735.6+7421. Confirmation of the SZ cavities through direct imaging (Corrigendum). 2023 A&A 676, 202023A&A…676C…2O [28]
Perez, K.I. et al. Green Bank Telescope Discovery of the Redback Binary Millisecond Pulsar PSR J0212+5321. 2023 ApJ 952, 1502023ApJ…952..150P [29]
Popov, M.V. et al. Technical Constraints on Interstellar Interferometry and Spatially Resolving the Pulsar Magnetosphere. 2023 ApJ, 954, 1262023ApJ…954..126P [30]
Redaelli, E. et al. Nitrogen fractionation in ammonia and its insights on nitrogen chemistry. 2023 A&A, 674, 82023A&A…674L…8R [31]
Remijan, A. et al. Astronomical Detection of the Interstellar Anion C10H- towards TMC-1 from the GOTHAM Large Program on the GBT. 2023 ApJ 944, 452023ApJ…944L..45R [32]
Romero, C.E. et al. Inferences from surface brightness fluctuations of Zwicky 3146 via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and X-ray observations. 2023 ApJ 951, 412023ApJ…951…41R [33]
Sheikh, S.Z., et al. A Green Bank Telescope search for narrowband technosignatures between 1.1-1.9 GHz during 12 Kepler planetary transits. 2023 AJ 165 612023AJ….165…61S [34]
Smith, S.E.T. et al. Velocity-Coherent Substructure in TMC-1: Inflow and Fragmentation. 2023 MNRAS, 518, 2852023MNRAS.519..285S [35]
Suresh, A.  et al. A 4-8 GHz Galactic Center Search for Periodic Technosignatures. 2023 AJ, 165, 2552023AJ….165..255S [36]
Swiggum, J.K. et al. The Green Bank North Celestial Cap Survey. VII. 12 New Pulsar Timing Solutions. 2023 ApJ, 944, 1542023ApJ…944..154S [37]
Tennis, J.D. et al. Detection and modelling of CH3NC in TMC-1. 2023 MNRAS, 525,21542023MNRAS.525.2154T [38]
Thomas, C.A. et al. Orbital Period Change of Dimorphos Due to the DART Kinetic Impact. 2023 Nature, 616, 4482023Natur.616..448T [39]
Uno, Y. et al. Upper limits on transmitter rate of extragalactic civilizations placed by Breakthrough Listen observations. 2023 MNRAS, 522, 46492023MNRAS.522.4649U [40]
Vujeva, L. et al. Mapping the multiphase structure of H I in the Low-Latitude Intermediate-Velocity Arch 1. 2023 ApJ 951, 1202023ApJ…951..120V [41]