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2019 Publications

Author. TitleReference
Aggarwal, K. et al. The NANOGrav 11-Year Data Set: Limits on Gravitational Waves from Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries2019 ApJ, 880, 116
Aguado, D.S. et al. The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA-derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library2019 ApJS, 240:23.
Aloisi, R.J. et al. The Green Bank North Celestial Cap Pulsar Survey IV.  Four New Timing Solutions 2019 ApJ, 875, 19
Anderson, L.D. et al. The Origin of [C II] 158 mum Emission toward the H II Region Complex S235 2019 ApJ 882, 11
Ashley, T. The Neutral Gas Properties of Extremely Isolated Early-type Galaxies III 2019 AJ, 157, 158
Atri, P. et al. Potential Kick Velocity distribution of black hole X-ray binaries and implications for natal kicks 2019 MNRAS, 489, 3116
Auddy, S. et al. Magnetic Field Structure of Dense Cores Using Spectroscopic Methods 2019 ApJ, 872, 207
Betti, S.K. et al. Constraining the Magnetic Field of the Smith High-velocity Cloud Using Faraday Rotation 2019 ApJ, 871, 215
Bilous, A. et al. Unusually bright single pulses from B1744-24A binary: a case of strong lensing 2019 ApJ, 877, 125
Blackburn, L. et al. EHT-HOPS Pipeline for Millimeter VLBI Data Reduction 2019 ApJ, 882, 23
Borthakur, S. et al. Discovery of a Damped Lyα System in a Low-z Galaxy Group: Possible Evidence for Gas Inflow and Nuclear Star Formation 2019 ApJ, 871, 239
Brinkerink, C.. D..  et al..  Micro-arcsecond structure of Sagittarius A* revealed by high sensitiity 86 GHz VLBI observations   2019 A&A, 621, 119B
Brzycki, B. et al. Breakthrough Listen Follow-up of the Random Transiter (EPIC 249706694/HD 139139) with the Green Bank Telescope 2019 RNAAS, 3, 147
Busch, M.P. et al. The Structure of Dark Molecular Gas in the Galaxy — II 2019 ApJ, 883:158
Campbell, B.A. et al. The mean rotation rate of Venus from 29 years of Earth-based radar observations 2019 Icarus, 332, 19
Casadio, C. et al. The magnetic field structure in CTA 102 from high resolution mm-VLBI observations during the flaring state in 2016-2017 2019 A&A, 622, A158
Castangia, P. et al. Water masers in Compton-thick AGN II 2019 A&A, 629, 25
Chacón-Tanarro, A. et al. Dust opacity variations in the pre-stellar core L1544 2019 A&A, 623, A118
Chen, C.Y.  et al..  Investigating the Complex Velocity Structures within Dense Molecular Cloud Cores with GBT-Argus 2019 MNRAS
Chen, H. H..H  et al. Droplets I: Pressure-Dominated Sub-0.1 pc Coherent Structures in L1688 and B182019 ApJ, 877, 93
Chen, H. H.H. et al. Droplets II: Internal Velocity Structures and Potential Rotational Motions in Pressure-dominated Coherent Structures2019 ApJ, 886, 119
Chuss, D.T. et al. HAWC+/SOFIA Multiwavelength Polarimetric Observations of OMC-1 2019 ApJ, 872, 187
Coudé, S. et al. The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Field of the Barnard 1 Star-forming Region 2019 ApJ, 877, 88
Cromartie, H.T. et al A very massive neutron star: relativistic Shapiro delay measurements of PSR J0740+6620 2019 Nature Astronomy
Dannerbauer, H. et al. Ultra-bright CO and [CI] emission in a lensed z=2 2019 AJ, 158, 34
De Looze, I. The Dust Content of the Crab Nebula 2019 MNRAS, 488, 164
Deneva, J.S. High-precision X-Ray Timing of Three Millisecond Pulsars with NICER: Stability Estimates and Comparison with Radio 2019 ApJ, 874, 160
Dhabal, A. et al. Connecting the Scales: Large Area High-resolution Ammonia Mapping of NGC 1333 2019 ApJ, 876, 108
Engelke, P.D. & Allen, R.J.D.OH as an Alternate Tracer for Molecular Gas: Quantity and Structure of Molecular Gas in W5 2019 ApJ, 874, 49
Enriquez, J. E. Breakthrough Listen Follow-up of the Reported Transient Signal Observed at the Arecibo Telescope in the Direction of Ross 128 2019 IJAsB, 18, 33
Ghirlanda, G. et al. Compact radio emission indicates a structured jet was produced by a binary neutron star merger 2019 Science 363, 968
González Lobos, V., & Stutz, A. Gas velocity structure of the Orion A integral-shaped filament 2019 MNRAS, 489, 4771
Grasha, K. et al. A Search for Intrinsic H I 21 cm and OH 18 cm Absorption toward Compact Radio Sources 2019 ApJS 245, 3
Harrington, K.C. The `Red Radio Ring’: ionized and molecular gas in a starburst/active galactic nucleus at z ̃ 2.55 2019 MNRAS, 488, 1489
Hessels, J.W.T. et al.W. FRB 121102 Bursts Show Complex Time-Frequency Structure 2019 ApJL, 876, L23
Hong, T. et al. 2MTF – VII. 2MASS Tully-Fisher survey final data release: distances for 2062 nearby spiral galaxies 2019 MNRAS, 487, 2061
Hu, Y. et al. Magnetic field morphology in interstellar clouds with the velocity gradient technique 2019 NatAstr, 3, 776
Hyman, S.D. A Search for Pulsars in Steep-spectrum Radio Sources toward the Galactic Center 2019 ApJ, 876, 20
Issaoun, S. et al.. The Size, Shape, and Scattering of Sagittarius A* at 86 GHz: First VLBI with ALMA 2019 ApJ, 871, 30
Keown, J.et al. CLOVER: Convnet Line-fitting Of Velocities in Emission-line Regions 2019 ApJ, 885, 32
Keown, J. et al. KFPA Examinations of Young STellar Object Natal Environments (KEYSTONE): Hierarchical Ammonia Structures in Galactic Giant Molecular Clouds 2019 ApJ, 884:4
Kerr, R. et al. The Green Bank Ammonia Survey: A Virial Analysis of Gould Belt Clouds in Data Release 1 2019 ApJ, 874, 147
Kim, J.Y. et al. Spatially resolved origin of mm-wave linear polarization in the nuclear region of 3C 84 2019 A&A, 622, A196
Koch, E.W. et al. Relationship between the line width of the atomic and molecular ISM in M33 2019 MNRAS, 485, 2324
Kong, S. The CARMA-NRO Orion Survey: Core Emergence and Kinematics in the Orion A Cloud 2019 ApJ.  882, 45
Kumar, P. et al. Faint repetitions from a bright Fast Radio Burst source 2019 ApJ, 887, 30
Lam, M.T. et al  The NANOGrav 12. 5-Year Data Set: The Frequency Dependence of Pulse Jitter in Precision Millisecond Pulsars2019 ApJ, 872, 193
Lebofsky, M. et al. The Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life: Public Data, Formats, Reduction, and Archiving 2019 PASP, 131, 124505
Luisi, M. et al. Ionization Profiles of Galactic HII Regions 2019 ApJS, 241, 2
Madison, D.R. et al. The NANOGrav 11-year Data Set: Solar Wind Sounding Through Pulsar Timing 2019 ApJ, 872, 150
Madison, D.R. et al. A Deep Targeted Search for Fast Radio Bursts from the Sites of Low-redshift Short Gamma-Ray Bursts 2019 ApJ, 887, 252
Marchal, A. et al. ROHSA: Regularized Optimization for Hyper-Spectral Analysis 2019 A&A, 626, 101
Masters , K.L. et al. HI-MaNGA: HI Followup for the MaNGA Survey 2019 MNRAS, 488, 3396
McGuire, B.A. et al. Searches for Interstellar HCCSH and H2CCS 2019, ApJ, 883:201
Men, Y. et al. Non-detection of fast radio bursts from six gamma-ray burst remnants with possible magnetar engines 2019 MNRAS, 489, 3643
Merello, M. et al. Thermal balance and comparison of gas and dust properties of dense clumps in the Hi-GAL survey 2019 MNRAS, 483, 5355
Pennucci, T.T. Frequency-dependent Template Profiles for High-precision Pulsar Timing 2019 ApJ, 871, 34
Perera, B.B.P. et al. The International Pulsar Timing Array: second data release 2019 MNRAS 490, 4666
Pinchuk, P. et al. A Search for Technosignatures from TRAPPIST-1, LHS 1140, and 10 Planetary Systems in the Kepler Field with the Green Bank Telescope at 1.73 GHz 2019 AJ, 157, 122
Pineda, J.L. et al. Electron Densities and Nitrogen Abundances in Ionized Gas Derived Using [NII] Fine-structure and Hydrogen Recombination lines 2019 ApJ, 886, 1
Rajwade, K.M. et al. A 21 cm pilot survey for pulsars and transients using the Focal L-Band Array for the Green Bank Telescope 2019 MNRAS, 489, 1709
Reddy, V. et al. Near-Earth asteroid 2012 TC4 observing campaign: Results from a global planetary defense exercise 2019 Icarus, 326, 133
Ridolfi, A. et al Upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope timing of NGC 1851A: a possible millisecond pulsar – neutron star system 2019 MNRAS, 490, 3860
Rivera, J. et al. The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: CO(J = 3 ─ 2) Mapping and Lens Modeling of an ACT-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxy 2019 ApJ, 879, 95
Rivilla, V.M. et al. Abundant Z-cyanomethanimine in the interstellar medium: paving the way to the synthesis of adenine 2019 MNRAS, 483, 114
Robinson, J.H. et al. H I Spectroscopy of Reverberation-mapped Active Galactic Nuclei 2019 ApJ, 880, 68
Rożek, A., et al. Shape model and spin-state analysis of PHA contact binary (85990) 1999 JV6 from combined radar and optical observations 2019 A&A,631A,149
Salas, P. et al Carbon radio recombination lines from gigahertz to megahertz frequencies towards Orion A 2019 A&A, 626, 70
Sardone, A. et al. Constraints on the HI Mass of NGC 1052-DF2 2019 ApJ, 871, L31
Seo, Y.M. et al. An Ammonia Spectral Map of the L1495-B218 Filaments in the Taurus Molecular Cloud: II CCS & HC$_7$N Chemistry and Three Modes of Star Formation in the Filaments 2019 ApJ, 871, 134
Simard, D. et al. Disentangling interstellar plasma screens with pulsar VLBI: Combining auto- and cross-correlations 2019 MNRAS, 488, 4963
Simard, D. et al. A comparison of interferometric and single-dish methods to measure distances to pulsar scattering screens 2019 MNRAS, 488, 4952
Smith, D.A. et al. Searching a Thousand Radio Pulsars for Gamma-Ray Emission 2019 ApJ, 871, 78
Sokolov, V. et al. Multicomponent kinematics in a massive filamentary IRDC 2019 ApJ, 872, 30
Sorgho, A. et al. Early Observations of the MHONGOOSE Galaxies: Getting Ready for MeerKAT 2019 MNRAS, 482, 1248
Stairs, IH et al. Mode switching and oscillations in PSR B1828-11 2019 MNRAS, 485, 3230
Straal, S.M. & van Leeuwen, J. A. LOFAR search for steep-spectrum pulsars in supernova remnants and pulsar wind nebulae 2019 A&A, 623, A90
Utomo, D et al. The Origin of Interstellar Turbulence in M33 2019 ApJ, 871, 17
Wexler, D.B. et al. Spacecraft Radio Frequency Fluctuations in the Solar Corona: A MESSENGER-HELIOS Composite Study 2019 ApJ, 871:202
White, JA et al. The MESAS Project: Long-wavelength Follow-up Observations of Sirius A 2019 ApJ, 875, 55
Zheng, Y. Tentative Detection of the Circumgalactic Medium of the Isolated Low-Mass Dwarf Galaxy WLM 2019 MNRAS, 490, 467
Zhu, W.W. et al. Tests of Gravitational Symmetries with Pulsar Binary J1713+0747 2019 MNRAS, 482, 3249
Zhu, W.W. et al.  Mass measurements for two binary pulsars discovered in the PALFA survey 2019 ApJ, 881, 165