- Green Bank Observatory - https://greenbankobservatory.org -



HI-MaNGA is a 21cm follow-up program for the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey [1]. We are currently observing all z<0.05 MaNGA galaxies with the Green Bank Telescope which lack HI data from other sources.

The goal of HI-MaNGA is to provide valuable information about the cold gas content of galaxies, which can help to address several of MaNGA’s key science questions: (1) How does gas accretion drive the growth of galaxies? (2) What are the relative roles of stellar accretion, major mergers, and instabilities in forming galactic bulges and ellipticals? (3) What quenches star formation? What external forces affect star formation in groups and clusters? (4) How was angular momentum distributed among baryonic and non-baryonic components as the galaxy formed, and how do various mass components assemble and influence one another?

Example HI spectra (right) of three MaNGA galaxies

Survey Status

A summary of past and ongoing observing programs, as well as the status of the data, is as follows:

Data Access





The following is a list of papers which use HI-MaNGA data:


(Undergraduate team members in bold)