- Green Bank Observatory - https://greenbankobservatory.org -

Spring Internal Symposium

Green Bank Observatory is hosting the 2024 Spring Internal Symposium May 13-14. The symposium is designed to highlight research by the staffs of the GBO and NRAO-CV.

The symposium will take place in the Jansky Auditorium from Monday morning May 13, ending with lunch on Tuesday May 14.  A tour of the GBT may be possible on Tuesday afternoon.  Presentations will be around 15 min in length, and can cover all areas of research: e.g., science, engineering,  EPO.  It will be possible to monitor the symposium remotely, but all presentations will be made in person.  Lodging for CV staff will be in the Residence Hall.  There is no registration fee and meals will be provided.

Organizing Committee

Arielle Moullet

Anthony Remijan

Jay Lockman