17A Proposal Call
17A Proposal Call Results
A total of 70 proposals requesting NSF funded “open skies” time were submitted to the Green Bank Observatory’s Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) for semester 17A. Proposals are reviewed on a competitive basis with a panel review system (see Proposal Review System [4]). Below are the statistics by proposal count and hours. The oversubscription is the ratio of the number of submitted proposals to the number of approved proposals. The pressure is the ratio of the requested time to the available time in hours. Here we only include proposals submitted for the 17A semester that have been reviewed by the Green Bank Observatory Telescope Allocation Committee (TAC).
A description of the 17A proposals accepted can be found in the Science Program [3] section below.
Total Proposals | 70 |
Approved | 26 |
Filler | 10 |
Rejected | 33 |
Hold | 1 |
Oversubscription | 2.7 |
Requested Time | 5125 h |
Available Time | 2615 h |
Approved | 1105 h |
Filler | 1534 h |
Rejected | 2486 h |
Oversubscription | 2.0 |
GBT Pressure Plots
Observations in high frequency bands require better weather conditions than observations in lower frequency bands. The GBT uses three weather categories: poor (for observations below 8 GHz), good (observations between 8-18 GHz and 26.5-50 GHz), and excellent (observation in the 18-26.5 GHz band and above 50 GHz). The first three figures below show the pressure plots for each these weather categories. The last figure includes all weather categories. The grey horizontal line shows the total available hours. The letters A, B, and C correspond to the priorities assigned by the TAC where A and B are approved time and C is filler time. Carryover is time allocated by a TAC from a previous semester that is being executed in the 17A semester.

GBT Observation Preparation
Please use the GBT Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS [5]) to enable observing sessions, select observers for your project, and enter your blackout dates. The DSS Home Page [6] has additional information about the DSS. See GBT Observing [7] for information about how to prepare for your observations.
Please note that the DSS uses the average Right Ascension (RA) and Declination (Dec) of all sources within a session. The average RA and Dec will be used to determine when the session can be scheduled. You will need to carefully check the RA and Dec, along with the minimum and maximum session lengths, to make sure that these values are satisfactory and will allow all your sources to be observed before enabling the session.
17A Science Program
A total of 70 proposals requesting NSF funded “open skies” time were submitted to the Green Bank Observatory’s Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT [8]) were received for the August 1, 2016 deadline for semester 17A. The table below summarizes the approved observing programs for the GBT. Listed are the PI name, proposal ID, proposal title, maximum hours approved and proposal type (Regular, Triggered, Large or External). Proposals from previous semesters that were awarded time in the 17A semester are included. The table also includes HSA and GMVA proposals that were awarded time on the GBT as a VLBI station as well as proposal accepted via external agreements with CHANDRA, Hubble Space Telescope, FERMI and Swift.
For each approved program, the Proposal Finder Tool [9] will have access to its author, title, abstract and total approved hours.
A description of the Time Allocation Committee report for 17A can be found in the Proposal Call Results [2] section above.
PI | ID | Title | Hours | Type |
Alves, Felipe | GBT17A-200 | Kinematics of the dense gas in a magnetized prestellar core | 16.00 | Regular |
Anderson, Loren | GBT17A-205 | The Connection Between the Warm Ionized Medium and HII Regions | 53.00 | Regular |
Asada, Keiichi | GMVA16B-346 | Ultra-deep imaging of the BH jet base and accretion flow of M87 from 100 to 7 Rs | 14.00 | Regular |
Baczko, Anne-Kathrin | GMVA16B-169 | Probing the Jet-Collimation Region in NGC1052 with high-fidelity mm-VLBA imaging | 14.00 | Regular |
Bogdanov, Slavko | CH18500414 | Coordinated X-ray and Radio Observations of the Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102 | 6.00 | External |
Braatz, James | GBT16A-215 | Completing the Megamaser Cosmology Project | 12.00 | Large |
Brinkerink, Christian | GMVA16B-312 | Imaging the Global Magnetic-Field Structure Near Sgr A*: 3mm VLBI with GMVA+ALMA | 8.00 | Regular |
Britzen, Silke | GMVA16B-191 | Solving the jet launching mystery in M87 with GMVA+ALMA observations | 20.00 | Regular |
Cameron, Andrew | GBT17A-160 | A new eccentric Double Neutron Star system – the most relativistic binary pulsar | 58.50 | Regular |
Crichton, Devin | GBT17A-367 | MUSTANG-2 Observations of an SZE selected sample of ACT Galaxy Clusters | 48.00 | Regular |
Cromartie, Thankful | GBT17A-230 | Black Widow MSP Observations for NANOGrav Inclusion and Astrophysical Study | 46.50 | Regular |
Cunningham, Nichol | GBT17A-369 | A Northern Hemisphere Pilot Survey of 6.7GHz Methanol Masers towards W3 | 34.00 | Regular |
DeCesar, Megan | GBT17A-353 | High-Impact MSPs for the International Pulsar Timing Array | 21.00 | Regular |
DeCesar, Megan | GBT17A-394 | A Search for Pulsed Emission from MSP Candidates in Globular Clusters | 30.00 | Regular |
Demorest, Paul | GBT15B-160 | The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves | 183.00 | Large |
Di Francesco, James | GBT16B-278 | KEYSTONE: KFPA Examinations of Young Stellar (O-star) Natal Environments | 82.00 | Large |
Dicker, Simon | GBT17A-340 | Investigating the composition of AGN plasma bubbles in galaxy clusters. | 30.00 | Regular |
Engelke, Philip | GBT17A-375 | Structure of Dark Gas in Star-Forming Regions: OH Excitation Temperatures | 28.00 | Regular |
Engelke, Philip | GBT17A-386 | Structure of Dark Gas in Star-Forming Regions: Continuing OH Survey in W5 | 98.00 | Regular |
Ginsburg, Adam | GBT17A-195 | MUSTANG Galactic Plane survey pilot: Protoclusters & Massive Stars | 31.00 | Regular |
Goldsmith, Paul | GBT17A-035 | Accretion onto Filaments in Molecular Clouds – copy | 22.00 | Regular |
Hallinan, Greg | BH181 | Dynamical Masses of A Brown Dwarf Binary | 5.00 | Regular |
Howk, Christopher | HST-241056 | The Perseus Project: Probing Metal Mixing, Dust Destruction, and Kinematics in the Vertical Extension of the Perseus Arm | 2.5 | External |
hu, wenkai | GBT17A-221 | Follow-up of one candidate 21 cm absorber found by blind searching | 12.00 | Regular |
Jackson, James | GBT16A-353 | The Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane Survey | 69.00 | Large |
Jones, Glenn | GBT17A-259 | Investigating anomalous microwave emission in the S140 region | 9.75 | Regular |
Kalensky, S. V. | GBT17A-164 | Confirming Interstellar Benzonitrile (c-C6H5CN) | 15.75 | Regular |
Karim, Alexander | GBT17A-271 | The GOODS-North 3mm MUSTANG 2 deep survey | 32.00 | Regular |
Kepley, Amanda | GBT17A-212 | The Highest Resolution Map of High Density Gas in a Star-Forming Spiral Galaxy | 18.50 | Regular |
Kepley, Amanda | GBT17A-304 | Extragalactic GBT+ARGUS Gas Density Survey | 167.00 | Large |
Kovalev, Yuri | GBT16B-199 | Evolution of High Brightness Temperature AGN Cores with RadioAstron | 78.00 | Regular |
Kramer, Michael | GBT16B-249 | Timing and General Relativity in the Double Pulsar System | 52.25 | Regular |
Loinard, Laurent | GBT17A-229 | Constraining the structure of the solar-type protostar I16293-2422 with MUSTANG2 | 1.25 | Regular |
Lovell, Amy | GBT17A-377 | OH Observations of 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak and 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajduskov | 28.25 | Regular |
Lu, Rusen | VLBA17A-182 | How does the M87 jet accelerate? | 40.00 | Regular |
Lynch, Ryan | GBT17A-319 | Multi-frequency GBT Observations of the Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102 | 144.00 | Regular |
Lynch, Ryan | GBT17A-320 | Continuing the 820 MHz GBT Pulsar Survey of Cygnus and the North Galactic Plane | 240.00 | Large |
Madison, Dustin | GBT17A-334 | A Search for Radio Transients Generated by Short Gamma-Ray Burst Remnants | 52.00 | Regular |
Mantz, Adam | GBT17A-277 | MUSTANG-2 High-resolution Imaging of the SZ Effect from Distant XXL Clusters | 21.00 | Regular |
Marscher, Alan | GMVA16B-113 | Imaging of the Gamma-Ray Emitting Regions of Blazar Jets | 48.00 | Regular |
Mason, Brian | GBT17A-358 | Detailed Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect Imaging of z >1 Galaxy Clusters | 66.50 | Regular |
Masters, Karen | GBT17A-012 | HI-MaNGA: HI Followup for MaNGA Galaxies | 705.25 | Large |
McGuire, Brett | GBT17A-056 | PRIMOS-2: Line Surveys of Molecule-Rich Sources | 48.50 | Regular |
McLaughlin, Maura | GBT17A-102 | A Candidate Eccentric Redback Pulsar with an Unusually Massive Secondary | 6.00 | Regular |
Melis, Carl | VLBA16A-348 | Pleiades Binaries for the Masses | 20.00 | Regular |
Nagai, Hiroshi | GMVA16B-101 | GMVA+ALMA Observation of the Innermost Jet in 3C 84 | 12.00 | Regular |
Ransom, Scott | GBT17A-305 | Long Term Timing of 56 Recycled Pulsars in Bulge Globular Clusters | 40.00 | Regular |
Ransom, Scott | GBT16B-303 | Continued Timing of a Millisecond Pulsar in a Stellar Triple System | 20.5 | Regular |
Shirley, Yancy | GBT17A-245 | ARGUS Mapping of Infall toward Massive Starless Clump Candidates | 60.00 | Regular |
Spekkens, Kristine | GBT17A-188 | Probing the asymmetric satellite population of M101 | 32.50 | Regular |
Stovall, Kevin | GBT17A-381 | Continuing the GBT All-Sky 350-MHz Pulsar Survey | 270.00 | Large |
Wolfe, Spencer | GBT17A-324 | The M31-M33 HI Stream: Working Toward a Complete Picture | 100.00 | Regular |
Zaw, Ingyin | VLBA17A-399 | Resolving AGN Obscuration: NGC 1068 | 12.00 | Regular |