This page provides you with resources that will help you prepare, execute, and wrap-up observations for your GBT project. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us [1].
Observing Machines
The following two computing machine are currently reserved and available for observations!
Prepare for your observations
Observer’s Guide
In this document you will find detailed information on observing tools, procedures and best practices, as well as instrumentation details.
Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS)
This web service allows you to manage your accepted GBT projects. Most importantly you will use this service to enable your projects and provide black-out dates.
(DSS log-in required)
GBT documentation hub (GBTdocs)
We will slowly migrate all GBT documentation into this sphinx-based system hosted on readthedocs. GBTdocs follows the diátaxis [2] approach.
Useful Resources
Remote observing instructions
Quick access to remote observing instructions on GBTdocs. Here you learn how to us FastX or setup a VNC connection.