Legacy Archive Data Access
For a number of our large programs we provide calibrated data as well as selected ancillary data.

For publications that make use of the GBT Legacy Archive, please acknowledge the GBT Legacy Archive and the science team responsible for the data, list the GBT as a facility keyword for publications, and provide the Observatory acknowledgement:
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.
Available Data Sets
GBT Large Program Surveys
GOTHAM Data [2]
HI-MaNGA Data [3]
RAMPS Data [4]
Submitting Data to the GBT Legacy Archive
Have you completed a survey with the GBT? Do you have calibrated survey data products that you would like to make available via the GBT Legacy Archive? We can add survey data products to the GBT Legacy Archive, as agreements are made with various teams.
- If you are interested in making your survey calibrated data products available via the Legacy Archive, please see contact Emily Moravec at emoravec – at – nrao – dot – edu.
- See the requirements listed below for submitting your calibrated data products.
For your data products to be included in the GBT Legacy Archive, your calibrated data files are required to be in FITS format and certain FITS header keywords are required. For a description of the FITS requirement and required header keywords, please see this document [6].
Additionally, the PI or a representative from your team will be required to fill out a README file in Markdown format that will provide information about your survey and calibrated data products. This README will be provided with your data products. To create this README, please answer the prompts for metadata for the README file provided in this file [7] and fill in your answers in this README template [8].