- Green Bank Observatory - https://greenbankobservatory.org -

Director’s Discretionary Time proposals for the GBT

Green Bank Telescope and goldenrod

The Green Bank Observatory entered into an Infectious Disease Operating Status (IDOS) on March 16, 2020. In spite of this, the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) is continuing to observe. The current IDOS, along with poor weather this spring, has resulted in more time than expected to become available on the GBT.

Green Bank Observatory would like to invite Director’s Discretionary Time proposals for low frequency filler time observations on the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). Observations will be restricted to using the Prime Focus 800 MHz feed, L-band, S-band, and C-band receivers. Requests will also be restricted to using the DCR, VEGAS and VEGAS pulsar modes unless special permission is received in advance of submission. We encourage submissions for observations in the 21-15 hour LST range, although requests for any LST range will be considered.

Please state that your DDT submission is in response to this special call in the abstract of the proposal.

All proposals should be submitted through the Proposal Submission Tool [1].

More information on the proposing on the GBT and its capabilities can be found at

2020b Call for Proposals