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04/14/2016: The monstrous temperature of a black hole

RadioAstron_Quasar_xrayQuasars are singular regions of the universe, very compact and very light surrounding a supermassive black hole. And this is precisely the black hole of 3C273 that attracted the attention of scientists, who have tried to determine its temperature.

To do this, they have combined efforts of ground and space measuring instruments and thus requested the radio telescope 10 meters in diameter RadioAstron Russian satellite, the two telescopes at Green Bank (110 meters, USA) and Arecibo ( 300 meters, Puerto Rico) and the antenna Effelsberg (100 m, Germany). Ultimately, it is a “virtual” telescope 160 000 km in diameter, which allowed them to make the first high-resolution mapping of the quasar, an “image” much more detailed than Hubble had been able to provide.

Published by The Siver Times.  See more at: http://sivertimes.com/the-monstrous-temperature-of-a-black-hole/23999 [1]