PF2 receiver checkout September 18, 2006
Results from an AutoPeak on Calibrator 3C286
- Project code: TRCO_060918
- elevation = 70°
- frequency = 970 MHz, bandwidth=20 MHz
- Tsys = 25 K
- Tant = 32 K
- S(970) = 17 Jy (ref Ott et al)
- Gain = 1.88 K/Jy
TCal data from database (measured March 2003)
Spectra with the ACS
- Two 200 MHz bands, centered at 990 and 1150 MHz.
- 10-sec integrations.
- Series of 60-sec ON/OFF scans on 3C286.
- On-Off offset was one degree in RA.
- Scans done in both linear and circular polarizations;
- Scans done with both low and high noise diodes.
- Scans 10-13 : low cal; Linear Pol
- Scans 14-17 : high cal; Linear Pol
- Scans 18-21 : high cal; Circular Pol
- Scans 22-25 : low cal; Circular Pol
Scan 12: Linear polarization: total power
Light blue is XX; purple is YY.
Scan 23: Circular polarization: total power
Light blue is LCP; purple is RCP.
Scans 12/13 : Calibrated Linear Pol : (on-off)/off
Light blue is XX; purple is YY.
Scans 22/23 : Calibrated Circular Pol : (on-off)/off
Light blue is LCP; purple is RCP.
RFI Summary
- Strong RFI at 947, 1030, 1090 MHz.
- Lots of RFI between 1020 and 1150 MHz.