MCB interface to 85-foot antennas.
A. Antenna monitor addresses (relative to start address)
1. analog monitors: 2-s complement signed numbers, low order 12 bits
are significant. Full scale (hex 7FF) corresponds to 10 volts.
hex address description
----------- ----------------------------------------------
2 focus in mm = V x 100
3 polarization in degrees = V x 100
4 supply pressure in psi = V x 100
5 return pressure in psi = V x 50
6 refrigerator drive current in amps = V x 1.333
2. digital monitor words:
hex address description
----------- ------------------------------------------------
18 Hour angle: 2s complement, full scale(7FFF) = 6 hours.
19 Declination: 2s complement, full scale(7FFF) = 90 deg.
1A brake and limit status bits.
bits in word 1A
bit description
--- ----------------------------------
0 North limit (if bit set)
1 South limit "
2 East limit "
3 West limit "
4 polar brake (bit set means brake off)
5 declination brake (bit set means brake off)
15 set=local control; reset=computer control
B. Antenna command addresses.
hex address description
----------- ---------------------------------------------------
10 motor control word (lower byte controls polar axis,
upper byte controls declination axis.)
11 brake, polarization, and focus control
1. Motor control word (address hex 10)
bit description
--- -----------------------------------
0 if set, slew east
1 " " , slew west
2 " " , run scan A east (rate 1.0)
3 " " , run scan A west (rate 1.0)
4 " " , run scan B east (rate 1.4)
5 " " , run scan B west (rate 1.4)
6 " " , run scan C east (rate 1.6)
7 " " , run scan C west (rate 1.6)
8 if set, slew North
9 " " , slew South
10 " " , run scan A North (rate 1.0)
11 " " , run scan A South (rate 1.0)
12 " " , run scan B North (rate 1.4)
13 " " , run scan B South (rate 1.4)
14 " " , run scan C North (rate 1.6)
15 " " , run scan C South (rate 1.6)
2. misc control word (address hex 11)
bit description
--- ------------------------------------------
0 if set, run focus down
1 " " , run focus up
2 " " , run polarization counter-clockwise
(as seen looking down from above)
3 " " , run polarization clockwise.
4 " " , release stow brakes.
" reset, set stow brakes.
15 if reset, do emergency stop.